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What is WAP and Why Should it Make you Feel Empowered?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Endicott chapter.

If you have not heard the song WAP by Cardi B and Megan Thee Stallion, girl grab your phone and a pair of headphones, and give it a listen. I’m not going to lie to you. The first time I listened to this song I was visibly uncomfortable and even a little embarrassed.  But that got me thinking, why had that song made me feel so uncomfortable? Why had I listened to it on the lowest volume possible, and even then why were my cheeks bright red for the duration of the song? In the song WAP, (which stands for Wet Ass P****) the two women detail their sexual power that they wield and the rewards they reap from it. They also explain in graphic detail exactly what they want their sexual partners to do for them, using clever euphemisms. My personal favorite is Cardi’s line,  “I want you to park that big mac truck right in this little garage”. Sometimes they’re more direct with their desires. For example, Cardi raps “I don’t wanna spit, I wanna gulp,/ I wanna gag, I wanna choke/ I want you to touch that little dangly dang/ That swang in the back of my throat.” 

So why was I so uncomfortable? Men rap about their sexual prowess all the time on the radio and talk, even brag, about it in various social settings. But our culture still continues to frown upon women who are confident, assertive, and powerful. Topics like sex and sexual pleasure are taboo for the females. We are supposed to just quietly wait for guys to come to us, and then take what they give us. It’s time for that to change. So no matter who you’re hooking up with, don’t be afraid to make the first move, and then tell them exactly what you want. (It’s the only way it’ll be any good, trust me) That’s exactly what Cardi B and Megan Thee Stallion did, and let me tell you, I went from being uncomfortable with the song, to blasting it from my friends convertible. It’s even on my workout playlist on Spotify. 

Even though the song is about sex, it can still make you feel empowered in other aspects of your life. Having confidence and being assertive can help in class when you feel like you have the right answer but are too afraid to raise your hand. It can also come in handy when you’re interviewing for a new job and need to sell yourself to your potential employer. So if you ever dare to forget your worth, listen to the sweet sweet sound of two confident women speaking their truth. Then you too will have the power to be assertive in every aspect of your life. 

Jillian Paccico

Endicott '24

Hi my name is Jillian Paccico and I am a nursing student at Endicott College! I love to hang out with my friends, win my dog's affection with treats and belly rubs, and eat anything that doesn't require utensils. (Nachos are my personal favorite.) You can find me on Instagram @jpaccico_4