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10 Things Every New Teacher Needs to Know Before Entering the Classroom

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Endicott chapter.
  1. Not every lesson is going to go as planned.
  2. You can’t make every class a “fun” class.
  3. No matter how opposed to it you are, you might have to give tests.
  4. Not every student is going to like you.
  5. You must maintain boundaries when helping students through difficult situations and must make sure to put your own sanity first.
  6. Don’t take your work home with you.
  7. Other teachers might not like you. 
  8. Most teachers don’t feel comfortable in their role for about three years.
  9. If you feel like you’re getting burnt out: TALK TO SOMEONE!
  10. It’s not going to be easy.

Everything listed above is an issue that’s very likely going to come your way, and you know what? IT’S OKAY! You will get through it. There are so many resources for teachers out there that are meant to push you in the right direction. I promise, not matter how hard it gets, it will get better!

Emily Crain

Endicott '24

English Secondary Education Major Gender Studies Minor