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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Endicott chapter.

In college life, the period between now and Thanksgiving is long, stressful, and busy. At some points, it feels as if life is moving on without you, as if there aren’t enough hours in a day or week, and as if you have too many things to do and not enough determination and motivation to do them. 

For one thing, I get it. You are in the same boat as so many people around you. But for another thing, don’t lose yourself! It is so important to continue to take care of yourself and to prioritize self-care, especially during these moments.

I’ve drafted up a list of self-care tips and reminders for this stressful period. Take out your journal and your favorite pen, and be ready to write these down, because I promise they will completely change the game… in the best way possible!

Make A To-Do List!

Write down everything that needs to be done. Whether this is organized by day, week, or month, keep it somewhere you will see it! Trust me, it’s so satisfying to check items off as they’re finished.

Don’t Skip Meals!

Food is fuel!!! Your brain and your body needs nutrients to keep going. Nourish your body so that you can perform at your best no matter the circumstances!

Make Time for Yourself!

THIS. Whether it be 5 minutes, 30 minutes, or 2 hours, set aside time to do some self-care! This looks different for everyone, so do what’s best for you! You deserve it and it will keep you going & on your A game.

Have a Social Life!

I know how tempting it is to swamp yourself in homework, studying, projects, readings, etc. But please, PLEASE, don’t forget to make some time to see your friends! Get dinner with them, take a walk, go to Target… whatever it is, your workload can wait a half hour to get your socialization in.

Take Breaks!

This but multiply by 100. If you’re all work and no play, you will become burnt out… and fast! Set limits to what feels best for you. You need to take breaks in order to keep going… it doesn’t make you lazy!!!

Find a Way to Unwind!

Unwinding is so important! Do something between the point when you stop working and go to sleep. Whether it be watching a TV show, a movie, listening to music, reading a book, or writing in a journal, give your mind a break before trying to go to sleep.

Get lots of Rest!

Speaking of getting sleep… make sure even throughout the stresses of classes, clubs, and activities, you are getting enough sleep (8 hours a night)! Sleep helps your body rejuvenate and restores the energy needed to take on the next day.

No matter the struggles or stresses of this period, you can do it! Keep a positive attitude and mindset even through all the craziness. Take some time to do some self-care and check in with yourself. Best of luck during this busy season, keep your head up!

XOXO, Marissa

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Marissa Dery

Endicott '25

Hi!! My name is Marissa and I'm an Elementary Education major at Endicott College! Some of my favorite things consist of spending time with family and friends, traveling, watching movies, going to concerts, and teaching! Welcome to my HerCampus page, I'm so happy you're here :))