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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Endicott chapter.

The Perfect Combo In A SO


Get yourself someone who you can bring to family brunch then to a party with your best friends.

When in a relationship it is so incredibly important that they get along with your family, and even better if they fit right in. When both families approve of the relationship you will have an amazing support system. Family is everything; they are the only people in your life who will always be there for you no matter what. Friends and partners will come and go, but family is forever. Your family and even your pets are going to know whether the new guy or girl you bring home is the one for you or not. I swear parents have the best intuition when it comes to this stuff. They can see right through them when you cannot. And if your dog is barking and growling at your date when they are over – just leave your SO right now, no question.


That family approval is so essential, especially if you are serious about your partner. You want your boo to be best friends with your parents and your siblings if they are going to be around for the long run. It’s going to make you feel so great to know that your families can come together for dinners and holidays and have a great time together. This is the same idea for bringing your SO to go out with your friends. There’s a good chance that you value your friends almost as much as your family. You probably have friends that you could even consider family. That means they are a huge aspect in your life, so you’re going to want your partner to get along with them. When your girl Sarah calls you because her boyfriend just broke up with her and you’re out on a date with your partner, you want them to be the person that says “let’s go get her and get some ice-cream.”


That is some real good SO material right there. This doesn’t mean your SO needs to be constantly involved in every aspect of your life, but it is important for them to meet the people who are important to you if you are serious about them. Having someone who gets along with both your friends and family is a blessing. I believe if they fit in naturally with both groups, you have yourself someone who is really, really special.