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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Endicott chapter.

Patience is Key

By: Julia Battistoni


    “Delivered.” You are now eagerly waiting for a text back from your friend, an employer, or a family member. You cannot help but look at your phone every five seconds, because your anticipation is rising faster and faster for that reply. You notice yourself developing a shaky leg, antsiness, and your breathing speeds up. In today’s society, everyone has turned into running rabbits that have no extra time to spare or waste. You notice yourself morphing into the colony of running rabbits that are surrounding you everyday.


Ground Yourself

So, what can you do? First off, you need to ground yourself. Grounding yourself is the term that describes one as living in the present and your energy is directed at yourself. Being grounded helps the body and mind take a small break from the ongoing circus we call our work or school week. We never realize how simple this one task can be and how much healthier we will be if we take a few minutes out of our day to sit and regenerate our energy.



Another key idea to help be patient is to breathe. I understand, breathing is a reoccurring cure to help our problems, but this idea in fact works. For example, I attend a weekly meditation class at Endicott College to learn the proper breathing techniques. I pledged to put my phone down everyday for ten minutes and breathe to regroup my mind and body from each day. I always feel a sense of serenity as I walk out from that class, knowing I have helped tear myself away from the daily mumbo jumbo. No one is obligated to do that, but I have realized a slight pause each day can help you learn patience and more about yourself.


Patience is Key 

The last thing I can advise for being patient is knowing that whatever you are waiting for will eventually turn up. One phrase that gets me through everyday is, “It’ll work out”. I am grateful to keep that in my mind, because I know there will be an endpoint or goal that I will reach. Being patient is a great to skill to have, and there are a few simple steps to place you in the path to being calm and stress free.


Hi, my name is Julia Battistoni! I am so grateful to be apart of Her Campus! I love the environment, and I am majoring in Environmental Science at Endicott College. I love the color pink, and I am starting to love writing as well. My favorite singer is Rihanna, and I always have music ready for any occasion. I love being my exuberant self and meeting new people. I want to help as many people as possible, because we are all going through life together. I always have a positive note, so if you ever feel down, I will always try and cheer you up!
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