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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Emory chapter.

Meet this week’s campus cutie, Will! When he’s not swiping on Tinder, he’s channeling his spirit animal: Beyonce reincarnated as a lioness. Check out more about Will below with a special appearance from the cast of The Hunger Games!


Full Name: Will Warren

Major: Religion and Dance, 15OX 17C

Hometown: Cartersville, GA

Extracurricular Activities: Orientation Training Captain, Student Programming Council, No Strings Attached, future Lyft driver, Concert Choir, Yogi

Relationship Status: Taken!

Greek Affiliation: ATO for about four weeks last Fall


Her Campus Emory (HCE): What do you ideally see yourself doing after you graduate?

Will: Honestly, I love the fact that the future is always going to be uncertain, no matter how much planning and thinking ahead I do. I’m just going to work toward being the best person I can while I’m at Emory and find my passions, then pursue those passions post-graduation.


HCE: What has been your biggest struggle at Emory?

Will: I hate eating alone and I love hot dogs. I constantly struggle to find friends with the same lunch period with whom I can eat. I love eating hot dogs (I had two last night for dinner), and it’s hella awkward for me to eat them alone. These two facts about me compound each other making it impossible for me to eat alone. I’ve missed lunch before sitting and waiting for my friends to text me back about their lunch plans.


HCE: What is your greatest fear?

Will: Pooping in a public restroom with multiple stalls that allows someone else to sit near me and poo at the same time. I never had (and never will) poop in a public restroom. Don’t try and make me. Honestly, I physically don’t think I can poo in a public restroom at this point.



HCE: What is your guilty pleasure?

Will: Dancing naked to at least two songs before I get in the shower in the mornings. I love dancing and have recently learned to love my naked self, so it’s a win-win for me to start off my morning that way.


HCE: What is the quickest way to your heart?

Will: One or more of the following: buy me Chinese food, buy me tacos, appreciate and support my regular drinking habits, Netflix and Chill the hell out of me (preferably while eating Chinese food or tacos), be able to multitask (see previous statement), love SNL, be professional, pick up on my sarcasm, but also know when I’m being serious.


HCE: Who inspires you?

Will: My sister inspires me. She has always been able to follow her passions and be herself. She may not know it, but I look up to her and also look to her for advice and a laugh when I need it. She can always make me laugh uncontrollably when I need it the most. I will forever love her and continue to be inspired by my sister, Julia.

Her Campus at Emory University