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Something to Feel Good About!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Emory chapter.

Last semester Emory’s Alliance for Sexual Assault Prevention (ASAP) group ran a food drive to support the Refugee Resettlement and Immigration Services of Atlanta (RRISA). Although the food for the event was collected last semester, all of the donated items have been crucial in getting families through the cold spell.

“The food that was donated was used to stock the refugees’ kitchens so when they arrived in the US they were able to safely and healthily get through the winter,” explains Ali Sussman, RRISA Health Intern and Emory senior. ASAP donated over 400 items of food, including over 200 pounds of rice! In helping to get to this outstanding number, Beta Theta Pi fraternity donated 270 items, which had a huge impact on many families. 

Emory students should feel great about all the help they have given to the Atlanta community! 

Her Campus at Emory University