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The Seven Friends You’ll Meet at Emory

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Emory chapter.

It’s the beginning of your freshman year, and of course among your main priorities is making new friends. After spending basically your whole life with the same people, it’s finally time to meet some new ones. With over 6,000 people on Emory’s campus, you’re sure to find a new crew of people with all sorts of different backgrounds and attitudes. Here’s a guide to the seven friends you’ll probably encounter during your freshman year.

First, we have The Mom. She’s the one you can always count on. She helps you get ready for going out, does your hair and even offers to clean your room. She might not offer to do your laundry, but she takes care of all the drunks, watches out for everyone when you are out and Ubers back to campus with those in need at Mags.  If you could use assistance, she’s automatically the one you call. You know she will be by your side, even at your worst. She will give you advice, criticism and moral support. 

Next…the Book Buff. Need to go to the library? Or, need someone to force you to go to the library? She’s your go to girl. This girl is probably most known for the amount of time she spends on her homework or studying for a test. When you need help on a project or need to study with someone, she is always encouraging you to come to the library. And she’ll even take a trip Peets with you to get a motivational snack or some extra caffeine.

After a long day procrastinating at Club Lib, you’re probably desperate for a night out. Not to worry — you can hit up The Party Animal for that. This girl is constantly ready to have fun; she hosts all the pregames and has the perfect Spotify playlist for them, too. She’s always ready to walk up and down the row a million times, even if that uphill slope is killer in heels. 

Need to burn off calories from a night of going out or excessive meals at the DUC? The Gym Rat is awaiting your presence at the machine next to her and is also dying to accompany you to Kale Me Crazy. She is constantly working out or talking about her desire to go to the gym. Scared of the ever-so-real Freshman 15? The Gym Rat helps you steer clear of your fear! 

If you are worried about getting involved or doing well in your classes as you begin your first semester of college, try spending some time with The Overachiever. She knows the deal. This girl will teach you the ropes about joining a club, accomplishing the unimaginable and somehow managing all your time.

Spotted a new cutie on campus on your way to that new club meeting? The Boy Obsessed probably already knows everything about him. She is your go to gal to talk about your boy situations. She gives good advice, but also is willing to go up to guys with you and help you get to know them. Trust me, she’s a good friend to have.

With all this talk about girl friends, you can’t forget your best guy friend, otherwise known as The Brother. He gives the best advice, and he’s not afraid to give you a little criticism either. He is a shoulder to cry on, a friend to laugh with and someone that will never judge you.

With all these “typical” friends noted, it is important to remember they all play essential roles! No friend is better than the rest – so go find them all!