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The Oscars 2013: A Look Back

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Emory chapter.

This year my friends and I finally decided to follow the Pinterest trend and throw ourselves an Oscar viewing party. We filled out ballots with predictions and our plates with tons of food. My food coma is still growing strong – I probably should have stopped eating three chocolate covered strawberries earlier – but I think there’s no better time than now to reflect on this evening which celebrated Hollywood’s best.


Best Dressed: Naomi Watts, Jessica Chastain, and Kerry Washington

Worst Dressed: Anne Hathaway (none of us understood this choice and we don’t feel bad that you’re on this list), Jennifer Garner (we’re so sorry about this Jennifer, we still love you forever. The back was just confusing), Salma Hayek (the Oscars isn’t the right time to do a fashion reference to I Dream of Genie)

Favorite Moments:

We were cheering when Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Daniel Radcliffe did their opening dance number. Joseph is one of my favorite leading men around and Daniel is Harry freaking Potter. This was a great way to start the show.

Personally, I would not have protested if Channing Tatum was brought on stage to reenact some scenes from Magic Mike. But, his dance routine with Charlize Theron was classy, surprising, and still made our hearts melt.

Catherine Zeta-Jones showed us the definition of aging beautifully when she performed again as Chicago’s Velma Kelly. Her rendition of All that Jazz was just as good as it was in 2002.

None of us had watched any of the animated shorts before tonight. We paused the show to watch Best Animated Short Film winner Paperman and quickly understood why it won. Only Disney could create such a perfect love story in less than seven minutes. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=Rqmh1GoZjnw

Adele performed her James Bond hit Skyfall. As per usual she killed it. No more explanation needed.

Jennifer Lawrence showed for the millionth time that she’s the coolest ever by winning Best Leading Actress and making falling at the Oscars seem endearing.

It was a little confusing why our First Lady Michelle Obama helped to introduce the Best Picture Nominees but the more Michelle the better in my opinion. Her presence became even more welcome when she announced that Argo won Best Picture. If you haven’t seen Argo yet, go. Now.

In my Oscar predictions article I wrote that I hoped Seth Macfarlane would wow as the night’s host. I definitely think that he lived up to the task. He walked the fine line between funny and inappropriate perfectly. He showed off his musical skills and wit. His duet with Kristen Chenoweth celebrating the losers of the night was the perfect way to end the long ceremony.

Biggest Questions:

What’s the difference between Sound Editing and Sound Mixing? Adele has a last name? Scarlett Johansson sings? Where did Quentin Tarantino find his leather tie? Why do all of the male winners of obscure categories have long gray hair? Who would you thank if you won an Oscar?

Her Campus at Emory University