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Morgan Goldberg, Editor-in-Chief of Emory Spoon University

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Emory chapter.

Meet Morgan Goldberg, editor-in-chief of Emory Spoon University! Aside from her workload of editing and publishing pieces, Morgan is a student of Spanish and Linguistics. She spends her leisure time spinning and brunchin’ with friends. Some of Morgan’s favorite foods include sushi and steak! Check out Emory Spoon University for some helpful and tasty ways to dine!

Her Campus Emory (HCE): What is the mission of Spoon University?

Morgan Goldberg (MG): The mission of Spoon University is to be the super informed friend whom everyone needs to tell them how, what, where, and why to eat. We are meant to know the best restaurants, recipes, and snack foods to help students eat well in college.



HCE: How did you get involved with Spoon University?

MG: When the current leadership went abroad, I took over as editor-in-chief along with Eric Solomon as the Business Director.  Together we rebuilt the staff and worked very hard to launch the site this past November.

HCE: Are there any upcoming events for this semester?

MG: This semester we are working on many projects but they cannot be announced yet!!

HCE: What is your favorite part about being the editor-in-chief for Spoon University at Emory?

MG: I honestly love getting to work with the most talented writers and photographers. Getting to edit all of their work is incredible and it is a privilege being able to publish such creative content.

HCE: How can Emory students get involved?

MG: At the beginning of the school year we typically take applications so new students can get involved. The applicant typically writes a sample article to be reviewed by the Spoon University staff. Students can also visit our website, http://emory.spoonuniversity.com, to learn more about delicious restaurants in Atlanta, how to grocery shop, what to order for brunch, how to make healthy snacks, and even tips for eating at the DUC.

Her Campus at Emory University