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The Mardi Gras Essentials Packing List

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Emory chapter.

It’s getting close to that time of year where half of Emory makes a disappearing act: Mardi Gras.

But before you excite yourself over Café du Monde and Bourbon Street, there are a few key essentials you should remember to bring with you for the weekend.

1. A Fanny Pack

Whether it’s a cute neon one you get with your sorority sisters or a plain black one, a fanny pack is a must have for any girl traveling the French Quarter. It’s the easiest and safest way to hold your phone, money, and any other important items you’ll carry with you.

2. A Funny Graphic T-Shirt

This essential is definitely part of Mardi Gras style. Remmber, the funnier the better!

3. Bright Leggings / Emoji Leggings

The same rules apply for these: the crazier they are the better. Think outside the box!

4. Sneakers

The grounds are gross, and you’ll be walking all day. You’ll want to wear something comfy on your feet that you also won’t mind getting dirty.

5. Cheap / Funny Sunglasses

There’s a good chance you’ll lose your sunglasses in New Orleans. Leave the Ray Bans at home and get some fun cheap glasses!

6. Lots and Lots of Snacks

It’s a long ride to New Orleans and back; you are going to get hungry.

With all of these essentials, you’ll be ready to take on Mardi! So, it’s time to go shopping and get excited.

Her Campus at Emory University