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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Emory chapter.

This past weekend, we finally learned what it was like to party like a state school thanks to the Michigan invastion. Missing that Michigan spirit? Look no further than this weeks cutie, Jake, a Michigan native and a die hard Wolverines fan. When not cheering on his home team, Jake can be found in the b-school library, on a run, or riding his bike around campus. Keep reading to find out how you can score with this week’s cutie. 

Using pet names – cute or annoying?

It depends if the girl is cute or annoying.

How do you feel about PDA?

Mmm, a little kiss in public is okay – just don’t go crazy.

Romantic or thriller movie when you take a girl out on a date?

Depends on the type of girl I guess, so really it’s up to her – I get with a lot of dudes though (looking at you natty ;)), and they usually like thrillers.

Girliest movie you’ve ever watched?

Oh easily the Notebook, go ahead and ask me if I watched it alone…and go ahead and ask me if I cried….

If you had one last day to live, what would you do?

Why did this just get so serious?? Hug my friends and family, tell them all I loved them and probably take a deep breathe and go lay down next to a cross.

If a girl makes the first move, do you like it or not?

I mean, depends how I feel about the girl, but in most cases…I love it.  I don’t like feeling like I’m pressuring anyone hah.

What song would you sing when serenading a girl?

Whatever she wants, I’ll learn it for her on guitar ;) But seriously, that’s easy, Notorious BIG, Notorious Thugs…works every time.

What is your favorite thing a girl can wear?

Her old pair of jeans and a hoodie – if she looks good in that, she’s going to look good in everything. Or, nothing, I guess?


Her Campus at Emory University