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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Emory chapter.

Some of you may be unable to read this article because you are still in Mardi-mode. Well, snap out of it. Life moves on and school does too. I’ll admit, I’m guilty of the skipping my first Monday class, post-Mardi, and using my only one drop for a quiz because I simply could not master my foreign language. For all of you Mardiers out there trying to get back into the Emory Bubble, post the Great Migration to Tulane’s Boot, here are a few pointers to get back in the game.

1.     Do not stop drinking water. This may sound like an absurd statement, but it is, in fact, a demand that will clean your system (first and foremost) and wake you up.

2.     Get your legs up, into your rain boots and off to the reading room. See reading room article for details about seating arrangements. You will not only start get work done and stop watching Hulu, but you’ll also get right back into the Emory social scene, which I guess is the goal.

3.     E-mail your teachers and set up a meeting to pretend that you want to learn more about your current course subject. Talk about a point that your professor made in class that you find enticing. Just do it. They’ll like you.

4.     Start updating your resume. It’s not only February and it’s time to ensure your summer plans, but it also makes you feel super productive and reminds you that you, indeed, have purpose, post pardi.

5.     Call your parents and update them on your life. We all know Emory parents live for the good morning texts and updates on how much your participating in class, so let them hear your cute little voice on the phone and they’ll maybe cough up the cash for next year’s Louisianan fatted calf festival.

6.     You’ve probably left the library by now because you just couldn’t do it. Well, go back, bring some reading, leave your computer at home, and start getting ready for class. If you at least master one class, you will feel significantly less overwhelmed with every other one.

7.     Stop stalking Facebook pics. While they probably should be flagged for inappropriate content, the pictures are not going anywhere and will still be taggable at the end of the week.

8.     Go to the gym. Every single one of you is guilty of having a piece of pizza, a crepe, Café Du Monde’s beignets, or straight up sugary drinks from cool green cups. You’ll feel slightly more clean after and totally get your head back into the swing of things.

9.     Prioritize this weekend’s outings. Between Thursday’s day of lovin’ and this weekends mixers and Maggie’s madness, you will make no progress on the road to post-pardi cleanliness. So pick one night to stay in, catch up on some television shows, and calm your pardi-self down.

10. Lastly, breath. When I arrived home late last night, my roommate was in awe of my incessant pacing and fervor when I discussed the week ahead. You will take care of it and you will get back into your routine. Take a step back, breath, relax, and stop the pardi. It’ll come back soon enough.

I am a Journalism and Film Co-Major hoping to write my way through life.
Her Campus at Emory University