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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Emory chapter.

Ladies, are you stuggling over the near impossible decision of whether to go to AEPI, ZBT, or ATO tonight? Learn a little more about this cutie and you might be swayed in a particular direction. Not only is David a brother of ATO, but also a member of No Strings Attached, a Her Campus (and personal) favorite.  When he is not busy melting our hearts with his voice, he can be found in the library studying Political Science and Journalism. Interested? Read more about this Connecticut native and see how can you can impress this week’s cutie. 

Her Campus Emory (HCE): What is the craziest thing you have ever done?”

Dave (D): This past summer while in DC I would usually go to the back alley of the bar where I’d just spent my bank roll and climb up onto the roof. Then I would yell at passersby and try not to fall off.

HCE: What is your favorite thing about Emory..and the girls at Emory?

D: I really like that I can always count on the late night crew outside the library to bum me a cig when I’m in desperate need of a study break. There is a very diverse Jewish population – I love having my four glasses and meeting girls at Seders.

HCE: What is your favorite word and why?

D: #foodie. I’m sort of a foodie. I sort of started the whole bacon trend on Instagram. 

HCE: What are the top five most played songs on your iPod?

D: Mostly nature noises and The Shadowboxers.

HCE:What has changed about you since high school? For better AND for worse?

D: My hair has improved drastically since 2010. For worse, my mom stopped paying the minimum balance on my credit card.

HCE: What is the quirkiest thing about you?

D: I’m really into the HBO series Girls. But at the same time I’m all about American Gladiator.

HCE: Where can you be found on a typical weekend?

D: The square.

HCE: What is the most annoying phrase girls say?

D: Wanna get froyo?

Her Campus at Emory University