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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Emory chapter.

Meet this senior cutie, Dan, from Briarcliff Manor, New York.  Sorry girls, but he’s taken! Read more to learn about his most embarrassing moment, his best pickup line, and his fetish with Scott Kaston

Her Campus Emory (HCE): Are you taken?

Dan (D): Yes, by Liz Moertel.

HCE: Best pickup line?

D: Have you seen my jaw line? I don’t need a pickup line.

HCE: What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever done to impress a girl?

D: Telling her that “I’ve only got one week to live” before saying that my ultimate dream before dying is to “share the intimate company of a woman.”

HCE: Ideal first date?

D: Candlelit dinner at Maggie’s.

HCE: Three things you want to cross off your bucket list?

D: Beat Scott Kaston in ping pong, beat Scott Kaston in life, and beat Scott Kaston…up.

HCE: What’s the biggest turn off in a girl?

D: If she’s taller than me.

HCE: Most embarrassing moment?

D: Getting beaten up by Scott Kaston.

Her Campus at Emory University