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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Emory chapter.

It’s big/little season! As exciting as it is to receive a little, it is also accompanied with the pressure of crafting the perfect gifts for her. If you’re not feeling particularly inspired, here are some simple ideas to get you started.

Dorm decorations: Your little is excited to be a new member in a sorority – she’s going to want to show it on her walls! You could paint letters that she can hang in her room. Painting a canvas with a chevron pattern, a sorority saying, or a monogram would also do the trick. Not the most artistic? Decorated picture frames and badge boxes are less daunting to make.

Clothes/jewelry: What better way for your little to accessorize than with her letters? Give her some extra sorority apparel that you may have received from past events, or a letter shirt with a unique pattern. Neon hats and fanny packs are also useful gifts that your little will love. You can also find cute handmade jewelry and accessories on Etsy, unless you’re talented enough to make it yourself!

Drinkware: You can easily decorate cups or glasses for your little using paint, glitter, or stencils. A koozie is also easy to personalize; plus she’ll think of you when she’s lounging on the beach this summer. Additionally, a customized coffee or travel mug would be another perfect way for her to show off her letters on campus.

Food: What better gift to give than food? Make sure to pick up all of her favorite snacks and candy. If baking is your thing, you could always go for cookies, cupcakes, or Oreo balls (always a popular choice). You could incorporate your sorority colors or letters in your baked goods, or just let your dessert speak for itself.

Finishing touches: Finally, you’ll need something to hold all of your beautiful crafted gifts! You could go with a plastic bin glamorized with letters, her name or initials, and creative sayings. If you’re really feeling ambitious, you could paint her a cooler to hold all of her presents. It’ll be good practice for formal season!

It’s important to remember that no matter what you make for your little, she will love it no matter what. Don’t let a lack of artistic ability discourage you from crafting – there are plenty of simple things you can make that don’t require much experience. If you need more ideas, you can always check out the tutorials on Pinterest! Happy crafting!

Her Campus at Emory University