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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Emory chapter.

This city girl is single and ready to mingle! Freshman, Chloe, comes from the Big Apple, but a chocolat-y desesrt is the way to her heart!

Her Campus Emory (HCE): What advice would you give to a guy trying to impress you?
Chloe (C): Chocolate and a sense of humor never hurt.

HCE: Three things you want to cross off your bucket list?
C: Learn how to drive stick shift, go in a hot air balloon, and learn the dance to Single Ladies by Beyonce.

HCE: The quirkiest thing about you?
C: I think mustaches are awesome.
HCE: What are your words to live by?
C: No matter how much you eat, there’s always room for dessert. 

HCE: Most embarrassing moment?
C: Probably when I read “fortified” as “fornicate” during an 8th grade English presentation. Happens to the best of us…

HCE: If you could have a superpower, what would it be and why?
C: Being in two places at once so I’d never have FOMO.

Her Campus at Emory University