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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Emory chapter.

Full Name: Brian Konig

Major: B-school (Marketing and International Business) and Spanish 

Hometown: Dallas, TX

Extracurricular Activities: Orientation Leader, BBA Council, Tour Guide, Running, Art

Relationship Status: Single

Greek Affiliation: Phi Delt (RIP)


HCE: What is your favorite kind of music to listen to? Who are your favorite artists?

Brian: Bastille, Hozier, Coldplay, Mumford & Sons, Of Monsters and Men, Passion Pit, Phoneix, Two Door Cinema Club, Vampire Weekend, The xx, Bon Iver, Matt & Kim.


HCE: If you could eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Brian: Either Falafel King or the Super Dave from Dave’s Cosmic Subs. Basically any sandwich. 


HCE: Describe your ideal weekend.

Brian: Sleep in, eat a sandwich, go back to sleep, go for a run. Spend the rest of the day telling everyone that I will go out tonight. Realize I don’t know who I was kidding, I’m definitely not going out. Fall asleep while watching Friends on Netflix.


HCE: Three ways a person can win your heart.

Brian: A sandwich, a Krispy Kreme donut, and another Krispy Kreme donut.


HCE: What advice would you give to your younger self?

Brian: You are capable of so much more than you think. I started running cross country in 8th grade and I was horrible at it. I hated it and wanted to quit everyday. As I kept running through high school, I found that the more I pushed myself, the more I was capable of. I started to love it and it has totally changed the way I see life. In 12th grade, I reached two milestones I never imagined I could reach: a sub-5 minute mile and a half marathon. Now, having done three half marathons, I’m currently training for a full marathon. Each day, as I accomplish more, running teaches me that I am able to do so much more than I ever though possible.

HCE: What is your biggest fear?

Brian: Failure. I always put more pressure on myself than anyone else. Either that or snakes.


HCE: What is one thing you’ve always wanted to learn or get better at?

Brian: Art. I love drawing, painting, and graphic design, but I’ve never really pursued it at a higher level. I would love to take a year off and just refine my art skills.


HCE: What do you see yourself (ideally) doing after you graduate?

Brian: Realistically, doing markting or advertising. Ideally, moving to Spain and eating jamón and drinking café con leche everyday.


HCE: What are some of your favorite places in Atlanta?

Brian: The Beltline, Piedmont Park, the Chattahoochee River, Krog Street Market, Ponce City Market.


HCE: What is your hidden talent?

Brian: I am a human compass. I (almost) always know what direction is North. I can also slalom and wakeboard.


HCE: What is your guilty pleasure?

Brian: Love Yourself by Justin Bieber.

Her Campus at Emory University