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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Emory chapter.

Finals are one of the most stressful times of the year, and college campuses become solemn with stressed students. Although finals will never be easy, here are some tips to ensure that your finals go well. 

1. Plan your week

Source: https://giphy.com/gifs/dog-chores-aSZSj0mT8f6tW

Finals can be really overwhelming as there are lots of different things you will have to get done. Making to-do lists will help ensure that you start studying far enough in advance and that you get everything done. I recommend make a list for the week that sets overarching goals for each day, and then each day make a more specific list. Checking items off your list will give you a feeling of satisfaction and will ensure you get everything done.

2. Stock up on snacks

Source: https://giphy.com/gifs/8iPc2Nd9XG5kk

It is important to have healthy habits during finals. I suggest getting a bunch of healthy snacks to munch on when studying. You will feel better with healthy snacks, and they will make sure you have energy throughout the day.

3. Set a good sleep schedule

Source: https://giphy.com/gifs/javHxbM3JgrcY

In college it often happens that your sleep schedule will change a lot.  Although you have become accustomed to sleep deprivation, it will only hurt you when it comes to studying. In the weeks leading up to finals, gradually start going to sleep earlier, and make sure you are getting more sleep.

4. Get an early start

Source: https://giphy.com/gifs/dog-school-homework-3oEduXKKfBX6PPLiGQ

Assignments have a habit of sneaking up on you so once you have your checklist look over assignments and see what you can start early on. If there are any papers or big projects that you can start, I would recommend that.

5. Clean your room

Source: https://giphy.com/gifs/hollywoodsuite-robin-williams-mrs-doubtfire-3o7TKU8RvQuomFfUUU

I have always found that a clean room is a clean mind. During finals you will be really busy and that last thing you will want to do is clean your room. I recommend doing laundry and cleaning your room to make sure it is a peaceful space for you, and so you don’t have to worry about cleaning during finals.

All that is left to do now is ace those tests- go crush it!

Her Campus at Emory University