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The Lalastack Of Old Books And Glasses
The Lalastack Of Old Books And Glasses
Her Campus Media
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Emmanuel chapter.

I feel as if midterms were just last week but here we are- finals are next week. The month of December is so stressful for college students. Every professor jams in every assignment there is in that one month, and in addition there are finals. This month can be very overwhelming, especially when studying for finals. Here are my studying tips that have helped me in the past for finals.

  1. Meet with your professors. 

Meeting up with all of your professors before finals is a great tip. Here, you can ask any question you have that is about the coursework and final that you may have forgotten to ask during class or were too shy to ask during class. Your professor will see that you are dedicated to get a good grade in their class and will most likely think of you highly. This could help you in your overall participation grade. 

  1. Reread chapters

This is probably the last thing you want to do, but rereading your coursework is so important. It has been proven that if you reread something over and over again, you are more likely to remember it. Another thing to reread is your notes. What you took notes on is probably pretty important so rereading your notes could help a lot. 

  1. Meditation/Mindfulness

Nothing good comes out of being stressed and overwhelmed. You will most likely feel those emotions during finals season. It is important to give yourself a break from studying and tune into yourself. Some mindfulness activities that have helped me during finals season are meditation and yoga. These two activities calm your mind and your thoughts.

Getting good grades are important but also your well-being is important. There should be a balance between the two, and you should seek out some mindfulness during times of stress. The semester is almost over and you could be feeling overwhelmed right now.  Find some breaks in between your studying for time for yourself. 

Madeleine Graves-Witherell is a sophomore studying Communications and Media Studies. She recently has worked with multiple social media platforms, specifically Instagram and TikTok in marketing means. Madeleine is an activist for women's rights and social change. When she is not writing, she is listening to Vance Joy on repeat or reciting The Office quotes.