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Spending Your First Christmas With Your Significant Other

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Emmanuel chapter.

What will you get him?

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This is the question that will haunt you almost the entire month of December. How can you possibly pick out the perfect gift for someone you’ve spent less than a year with? What if you don’t know him as well as you though you did? Relax and don’t stress yourself out with these questions. All you have to do to get him the perfect gift is listen. Take him to the mall and keep note of the little things he points out, or you could even be efficient as asking him for a list of things he wants/ needs, and telling him you will pick a couple of those things. This way you are sure you got him a great gift, and he doesn’t have to worry about pretending to like your gift or wanting to return it.

Who’s family will you spend Christmas with?

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Christmas is a special day and often a time people spend with their families. You probably want to spend the day with him, but you’re torn because while you also want to spend the day with your family, you also don’t want to tear him away from his. No worries, there’s a few solutions to this dilemma. All you need to do is communicate. Ask him what his plans are and suggest you maybe spend Christmas Eve with your family and Christmas day with his or vice versa. You could even just split Christmas day and visit both families together.

What if he spends more than you or vice versa?

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What if you get him too much? What if you don’t get him enough? Again, you just need to communicate with him. Explain your concerns and maybe suggest a limit on gifts. You could both pick a price point or even pick the amount of gifts you get. You both could even decide to do homemade gifts for your first Christmas together. I’m sure you are both experiencing the same reservations, so you can just explain to him that it’s your first Christmas together and you are scared of going overboard and making him uncomfortable, or you’re scared of him going overboard and you being uncomfortable.

What if he doesn’t like what you got him?

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This will always be a worry you have, but it’s something that shouldn’t even cross your mind. Odds are, no matter what you get him, he’s going to love it just because it came from you.

Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year and such an important stepping stone in a new relationship. It’s supposed to be fun, romantic, and special, so don’t spend the entire Christmas season stressing about gifts. I know we live in time of consumerism and gift giving, but try to focus more on the real meaning of Christmas, the time you get to spend together.

Tatum Fales

Emmanuel '20

I am a senior at Emmanuel College with a major in Communication and Media Studies. My hobbies include writing, listening to music, yoga, and binge watching all things reality TV.