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My Top 5 Inspirational Women

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Emmanuel chapter.

In traditional history classes in school, most of the historical figures we learn about are men, so for Women’s History Month, I wanted to compile a list of women who have inspired me. 

  1. Adrienne Rich

Adrienne Rich is a lesbian Jewish poet and feminist who writes on women’s rights, the cultural experiences of being both gay and Jewish, and different political topics. She’s inspired me to be confident in my identity, write about what matters to me, and fight for what I believe in. Check out my article about Rich’s work to learn more about her (and compulsory heterosexuality). 

  1. Taylor Swift

While I wouldn’t consider myself a Swiftie, Taylor’s consistent courage and confidence in the face of her critics has always stuck with me. Through years of hate, accusations of only writing break up songs, and misogyny, she’s never given in and changed herself. She’s also shown incredible strength in her fight to get the rights to her music back. 

  1. Rosalind Franklin

Back when I thought I wanted to go into biology, I was enamored and angered by the story of Franklin, who’s contributions to the discovery of DNA structure was largely ignored in favor of Watson and Crick. While I’m no longer studying STEM, the indignation I felt when I found out about her stolen credit inspired me to feel confident and assertive in my contributions to group projects and labs. 

  1. Amelia Earhart

When I was little, I thought Amelia Earhart was the coolest person ever. She had a badass career, fought against assumptions about what a woman could do, broke barriers, and just looked pretty damn cool. Because of her, I never doubted that I couldn’t do something because I was a woman.

  1. Ruby Bridges

When we learned about Ruby Bridges in school, and her bravery in the face of intense hatred and threats of physical violence, I was shocked. I couldn’t imagine someone my age having to go through such adversity, but I respected that she was willing to go through it for an important cause. She inspired me to not be afraid to stand up for what I believe in. 

Sarah Revis

Emmanuel '23

Sarah is a senior English Communications major at Emmanuel College. She enjoys reading, embroidery, baking, and listening to an unreasonable amount of folk rock.