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Meet This Week’s Campus Cuties: Dynamic Duo, Julian Diggs (’17) & Kyle Smith (’17)

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Emmanuel chapter.

Do you love getting two things for the price of one? Well, get excited because this week we’re bringing you something special! Meet this week’s Campus Cuties: Julian Diggs and Kyle Smith. From classmates to teammates to roommates, this bromance has been through it all. Make sure to support this dynamic duo during basketball season this year as they crush it on the court and with the ladies!

Kyle (L) & Julian (R) in their basketball uniforms

Hometown: Centerville, Virginia (Julian) & Los Angeles, California (Kyle)

Year: 2017 (both)

Major: Management (both)

Relationship Status: For Julian, it’s complicated. Kyle is single.

HCE: So, how did you two meet?

Julian: Well, one day I was walking through the campus… just this little freshman trying to find my way around campus. And I see this guy. And I’m like, “Hey. This guy is pretty cool.” And he’s like, “Hey. You’re black and you got red hair.” And I was like, “Hey. Let’s be best buds.” And ever since then, we’ve been best friends.

Kyle: So we were sitting in orientation groups… this is the actual story. But I was sitting there in my orientation group and across the way I saw this little boy with red hair. I thought he was white… but he wasn’t. So I was like, okay, I’ll talk to him later. I saw him later that day and I was like “Hey, my name is Kyle,” and then from there we just clicked.

HCE: That’s too funny! Since then, what has been your favorite memory together?

Julian: Freshman year? Yeah, freshman year, when we did Midnight Madness.

Kyle: Oh, yeah. That’s definitely my favorite.

Julian: Yeah… We were cool before that, but when we decided to team up and do our routine. Everyone got amped for that.

Kyle: Yeah, because we choreographed the whole thing together.

Julian: Yeah, that was crazy, and we killed it in front of the whole school!

HCE: What is one word you would use to describe your friendship?

Julian: Sensational.

Kyle: Untouchable. Yeah, I like untouchable. Or how about flirtatious?

HCE: Do you guys have anything you’d like to say to all the eligible bachelorettes out there?

Julian: Let me think for a second…

Kyle: [Gesturing to Julian] Everyone this is Julian Diggs. He’s about 5’ 10” and he’s got a six pack. Light skin with red hair. Real easy on the eyes. [Talking about himself] If you’re looking for some chocolate in your life… let me know.

Julian: In the wise words of Will Smith: “I’m tryna find me some hunnies so I can get a little sticky… know what I’m saying?”

As a sophomore at Emmanuel College, Keyana is excited to be a featured writer on the new Her Campus Emmanuel Chapter. While she feels most passionate about about finding the next "campus cutie" she is ready to write anything and everything to keep her peers and all HerCampus readers entertained.
Sammy is a senior at Emmanuel College, majoring in English: Communications & Media Studies with a minor in Music-Theater. She discovered Her Campus through College Fashion Week: Boston, and has since re-launched Emmanuel's chapter and become a National Intern. On campus, Sammy gives weekly tours as an Admissions Ambassador, is a member of the Honors Program and stars in an as many theatrical productions as possible. She was also an Orientation Leader for the Class of 2019. Outside of school, she works as a sales associate at Charlotte Russe and manages a personal style blog called Backyard Beauty. An obsessive organizer, social media addict and fashion maven, Sammy dreams of living a lavish life as a magazine contributor in New York City after graduation. Follow her on Twitter @sammysays19 and Instagram @backyardbeautyxo or visit backyardbeautyxo.tumblr.com/.