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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Emmanuel chapter.

Self care is vital to keep our spirits charged. During this extra busy season of exams, traveling, and holidays, don’t forget to make time to take care of yourself. Here are some tips to help put your self care first <3 

Check in with yourself. Notice surroundings and your current mindset. 

Take long, deep breaths. 

Stand in front of the mirror. Choose one thing about yourself that you love. Give yourself a compliment out loud. 

Practice daily affirmations. 

Color, draw, doodle, or sketch! Just create without thinking of the outcome.

Pay special attention to your inner voice. Speak kindly to yourself. 

Walk in nature–take a tranquil stroll or walk briskly.

Disconnect from phone, laptop, all social media, and screens.

Inspect the leave on the ground or gaze at the clouds in the sky. 

Write down moments from your day that made you smile genuinely. 

Use a journal to record all of your happiest memories and your deepest thoughts. 

Most helpful apps for coping with mental illness: What’s Up, Virtual Hope Box

Make/buy your favorite comfort food

Use essential oils such as lavendar, or enjoy your favorite tea!

Make a habit of a calming bedtime routine.

Try guided meditation (Headspace is a very helpful app) 

Eat mindfully and nurture your body. 

Make a To Do list to tackle your day

Feeling unproductive? Make a “did” list! Write down things you’ve completed today. Anything counts!

Call someone you care about. 

Write a letter to a friend, parent, grandparent…

Message a friend and ask how they’re doing. 

Say “no” to what automatically gives you a negative reaction. 

Create boundaries for toxic relationships and environments. Set time limits. 

Write down what you want to let go of. 

Take a nap and recharge

Practice Yoga

Take a shower, have a bath, lotion your body, use a face mask. 

Relfect on your relationships with people and find order in them. 

Do an activity that makes you feel like a kid. 

Change into warm PJs and socks

Focus on warmth and light 

Get cozy with a book, short story, or podcast. 

Try a new hobby! Find an opportunity on campus or in Boston. 

Catch up on drinking water!

Take a moment to recognize your accomplishments!

Image courtest of Instagram​

Mariah Pelaez

Emmanuel '21

love yourself
Carly Silva

Emmanuel '21

Carly is a senior at Emmanuel College pursuing a major in English Writing, Editing, and Publishing, as well as Communications and Media Studies. She loves to write and has a particular fondness for poetry. Carly also loves reading on the beach, playing music, and hanging out with her dog, Mowgli.