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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Emmanuel chapter.

Not everyone is going on an extravagant vacation to the Bahamas for spring break, and if you’re like me, you’re a little bit bummed about it. However, staying home for spring break can be a wonderful time to rest, recharge, and give yourself a break. In the past, when the week off has ended I feel like the time went by so fast and I just ended up doom scrolling everyday. So to combat this and optimize my time off, I’m doing a few things differently.

Prioritze sleep

Sure, having a week off could mean you stay up until 3am every night just because you can sleep in. However, this will end up making you feel like you’ve wasted your days and once you go back to reality, you’ll really struggle to adjust. According to ​​Harvard Health, a lack of sleep or poor sleep can have a serious effect on our health. They suggest creating a bedtime ritual, like taking a hot bath and drinking tea before bed, can really help create healthy sleep habits.

leave your phone behind

It can feel unnatural for many busy students to suddenly have so much free time. Whenever I go on breaks I often times feel like I don’t know what to do, so I’ll end up spending too much time on my phone. Going out of your way to plan activities or things you want to do can be a great way to avoid scrolling on your phone for hours on end. For me, this means I have a few books picked out that I’m really looking forward to reading and getting lost in!

Get crafty

Listen, I am the least artistically talented person on the planet. For the longest time, this made me avoid anything that had to do with crafts or art. However, I never realized that even if you aren’t “good” at art, it can feel so therapeutic to get lost in a craft. Whether this means collaging, painting, or even just sketching on some scrap paper. If you really want to devote some time to it, going to a pottery studio to paint pieces is a super fun activity. It also means you get to take something home that you created!

spend time in nature

Getting outside doesn’t have to be an all day ordeal. It can simply mean going for a walk in your neighborhood, or visiting a park near you. It can also mean sitting outside and just appreciating the world around you. For me, spending time in nature always reminds me of what is really important to me, and calms me in many ways.

Aine Hoye

Emmanuel '25

Aine is the editor of Emmanuel College's Her Campus chapter. She's an English major, and loves reading in her free time. HC has been a huge part of her life since her first year of college, and she's loved every minute!