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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Emmanuel chapter.

This past weekend, Daylight Savings happened and like many people, I found myself completely thrown off by the extra hour. Of course I didn’t mind getting an extra hour of sleep, but I was feeling exhausted by 9pm the next day, something that I’m definitely not used to as a night owl. 

The time change also meant that the sun won’t set after 5pm again for at least not a couple months. This lack of daylight can mean many things but for a majority of the population, it can mean feeling low-energy and lethargic, but you don’t have to dread the winter! In the years past, I’ve decided to try and come up with ways to keep myself positive and to focus on self-care even when the sun isn’t shining. My methods may be entirely placebo, however, they work for me and so I’ve made a list of my top 5 ways to beat the winter blues! 


Vitamin D Supplements 

This one feels self-explanatory but if your body isn’t seeing the sun as much as it does in the summer, it’s easy to feel sleepier and for your skin to start to dull. Vitamin D supplements have been proven to benefit in skin rejuvenation and aid with your immune system on top of giving you the slight energy-boost that the sun provides. However, I’d still suggest bundling up and going outside when you can! Which brings me to my next point…


Get Outside as Much as Possible

Winter temperatures are not the most forgiving but being cooped up inside always drives me a bit stir-crazy. On the days that it isn’t below-freezing outside, I put on a scarf, hat, gloves, and multiple pairs of socks and go outside for as long as I can until my nose turns red. Even just a walk around campus is enough fresh air to make me feel a lot better once I go back inside.


Drink Hot Drinks and Get Cozy

When it finally starts to get cold and dark outside, I like to take it as an opportunity to get as cozy as possible. Personally, I’m a big tea drinker so when it gets cold and dark, I love brewing a cup of tea while I do homework and wrapping myself up in my fuzziest blankets and sweaters. My favorite tea just happens to be Twinings’ Christmas Tea and since it’s so seasonal, I look forward to being able to drink it again and therefore I’m too excited to remember the fact that the sun had set at 4:30pm. If you aren’t a tea-drinker yourself, hot chocolate works well too!


Stay Hydrated 

Once the sun starts setting early and the air outside is freezing, my skin gets painfully dry. My knuckles crack and my lips will bleed constantly—it is not a pretty sight. Dry skin on top of already feeling low-energy from the early sunsets is not a great combo so I try my best to stay hydrated. Not only by drinking water (though important!) but by finding a moisturizer that works and keeping my lips hydrated constantly. My favorite moisturizer is actually Pond’s Dry Skin Moisturizer which keeps my skin refreshed and is under $10 at the drugstore. For my lips, I’m a big fan of using a layer of Aquaphor.

Surround Yourself with Your Favorite People 

As cheesy as this sounds, nothing is going to make you feel better and more like yourself than seeing your friends and family. For me, just being around the people I love most can pull me out of almost any mild funk. In the winter, try and see the people most important to you as often as possible. Whether or not it’s just for coffee or a movie night or a winter night on the town, you’ll be too focused on having fun and catching up with them to mind the short daylight hours!

Madyn is a senior at Emmanuel College and studying English with a focus in writing and communications, as well as pursuing an art history minor. She loves all things vintage, Hozier, One Direction, and her cats. She is the 2021-2022 President for the Emmanuel College chapter!
Carly Silva

Emmanuel '21

Carly is a senior at Emmanuel College pursuing a major in English Writing, Editing, and Publishing, as well as Communications and Media Studies. She loves to write and has a particular fondness for poetry. Carly also loves reading on the beach, playing music, and hanging out with her dog, Mowgli.