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Fostering New Hope: Three Women who Refuse to Allow Suppression

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Emmanuel chapter.


All over the world, there are cultures that hold damaging and cruel patriarchal systems. Although the continuous attempts to remove female power is clear in these societies, there are women who not only feel they should stand up for their rights, but have made lifestyles and business opportunities out of giving women a voice. In three countries; Kenya, Kyrgyzstan, and Yemen, activists and business leaders are making changes in their own ways. 

In the Samburu region of Kenya, there is a frightening prevalence of violence towards women. According to the National Crime Research Centre, female genital mutilation, child marriage, and rampant abuse, conditions of the Samburu county that kept women in constant fear and submission. That being said, there are many Samburu women who are now demanding rights for themselves and much of the credit for this movement is due to Rebecca Lolosoli. After being beaten by the men in her village due to her attempts to raise awareness for victims of rape, Lolosoli defied her patriarchal society and established Umoja—a village inhabited only by women. Selling beads to sustain themselves, the women see Umoja as a safe haven. Lolosoli hopes to create a better life not only for the women in her village, but for her whole region as well, with the money the village has made from tourism and beads she has established a school for the local children. As a new generation is raised in Umoja, a new hope is raised as well. A hope that Lolosoli’s resilience and leadership is paving the way for a generation that will respect and empower women. 


Kyrgyzstan may seem like another planet compared to the Samburu region of Kenya, but the disturbingly widespread violence against women is just the same. Kyrgyzstan has a dark history of “bride kidnapping” and a society that seems to turn a blind eye to abuse too often. In fact, according to Hilary Margolis, in 2019, 6,145 cases of domestic abuse were registered by the police, yet only 649 ended up being criminal cases. Although many are ignoring the issue of violence against women in Kyrgyzstan, one woman, Larisa llibezova, is putting maximum effort into finding a solution and raising awareness. As chairperson of The Center for the Study of Democratic Processes, Ilibezova actively works to inform people on the crisis in Kyrgyzstan, and is succeeding. According to the Article 9 Association, the foundation works to create or change legislation in order to protect women’s rights as well as work with law enforcement to investigate crimes against women. In a country largely ignorant of its own atrocities, Ilibezova is forcing these injustices to be dealt with.


Yemen has seen much tragedy and conflict in recent years, yet in a place so volatile, it is easy to look past its troubling attitude towards women. In Yemen, 68% of women do not attend high school, and only 1.7% of women hold bank accounts. Without access to education or the means to have independent wealth, these women are set up in their society to be powerless. Yet, Najat Jumaan is trying to change that. Jumaan became the first female general manager in Yemen in 2015 for her family’s company, Jumaan Trading, and Investment. Since her appointment, the company has been able to remain stable throughout the turmoil in Yemen, yet Jumaan had hopes for changes outside of her company. Jumaan has used her position of power to influence and inspire women to pursue education and business degrees, and continues to keep that goal as her main focus. 



“‘Article 9’ Association.” Article9, www.article9.kg/eng/. 

Margolis, Hillary. “Grim News from Kyrgyzstan on Domestic Violence.” Human Rights Watch, 5 Mar. 2020, 2:00, www.hrw.org/news/2020/03/05/grim-news-kyrgyzstan-domestic-violence.

National Crime Research Centre: Gender Based Violence In Kenya. National Crime Research Center, 2014, crimeresearch.go.ke/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/wwwroot_publications_Gender-Based-Violence-in-Kenya.pdf.

“Rebecca Lolosoli | Half the Sky | Independent Lens.” PBS, Public Broadcasting Service, www.pbs.org/independentlens/half-the-sky/rebecca-lolosoli/.

Satya June/July 07: Interview with Rebecca Lolosoli, www.satyamag.com/jun07/lolosoli.html.

“‘We Lead: Five Women Who Drove Company Success in the Middle East and North Africa.’” 2019, www.ifc.org/wps/wcm/connect/9a75d2c9-3465-42a3-b357-890ce83796c7/Five_Women_Who_Drove_Company_Success_in_MENA.pdf?MOD=AJPERES&CVID=mDF8ASf.

Carly Silva

Emmanuel '21

Carly is a senior at Emmanuel College pursuing a major in English Writing, Editing, and Publishing, as well as Communications and Media Studies. She loves to write and has a particular fondness for poetry. Carly also loves reading on the beach, playing music, and hanging out with her dog, Mowgli.