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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Emmanuel chapter.

As students we are busy with classes, projects, involvement in organizations, work, and social lives. It is hard to find time for our interests and what we truly enjoy. Or in my case, find out what I truly enjoy to endure the stresses of being in college. One of my goals for the new year is to develop more hobbies and spend less time mindlessly scrolling on my phone. It is different for everyone to figure out what they enjoy but hopefully in this list you can find something that works for you. In college it is a time in our early adulthood to find ourselves in what makes us happy as individuals outside of work and relationships. Since the start of college I have felt a void for creativity or another outlet, so I want to actively try to figure out how to plug into my interests more, make life less routine and create more community. 

The first hobby that I have had before this but want to make a more constant routine out of is working out daily, even if it’s just walking on a treadmill. Getting movement in is so helpful for my mental heath 

Another way to get movement in the new year, especially living in a big city like Boston, is workout classes. As a student I am on a tighter budget so I am not willing to pay an expensive monthly charge for a workout program, but there are so many companies that do first class free or new member deals that you can take advantage of. Whether it’s pilates, yoga, strength training, or kickboxing, there are so many options. So far, I have done one unlimited week free at core power yoga in fenway! It also can be a way to meet people and build your community in a new city or college town. 

Like I mentioned previously I want to add more creativity in my daily life with hobbies. This can even be applied in your coursework, depending on your major. As a business student, in presentations I like to use my creativity with slideshows and presentations to use that part of my brain more. Outside of classwork there are many different ways to express creativity whether it’s through cooking, painting, knitting, adult coloring, or pottery. If you are new to these skills there are different classes and seminars you can do to master these skills, whether it is an in person class or a virtual class, like masterclass or skillshare. 

Volunteering is also a great hobby to start to improve your community and make you feel like you are making a difference. I would recommend looking up different opportunities with local charities in your area in an area that interests you whether it is with an animal shelter, food kitchen, or beach cleanups. Making volunteering part of your routine will give you added joy into your day, it’s also great to do with friends.

Reading is another common hobby. In the past I have always had a reading goal for the year for a certain number of books. For 2024 my reading goal is to read 3 times a week, it is less pressure, just trying to create a habit, instead of hitting an innocuous number. I love all different types of books, but I find that my most read books are realistic fiction, romance and memoirs. A few favorites include Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo by Taylor Jenkins Reid and I’m Glad My Mom Died by Jeanette Mccurdy. Reading is a great way to explore new perspectives and be entertained. 

I hope everyone can find something that they enjoy and take them away from the things that are stressful like school or work. Hobbies are an individual endeavor, so I encourage you to do your own research to find what will make you happy and fulfilled.

Riley kay

Emmanuel '27

My name is Riley Kay and I am a freshman at Emmanuel College in Boston, Massachusetts. I am majoring in Marketing. I'm interested in writing about mental heath, pop culture, and college life. Over the next 4 years I hope to grow in my writing and prospective on the world around me.