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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Emmanuel chapter.

Winter is cool and all until your skin becomes so dry that your skin starts to fall off! As a lotion lover, this season can be quite exciting because I get to play with lots of products! The best way to combat your dry, winter skin, is to find a routine and stick to it. Additional products can be added in on those days where it’s so cold you feel like your face is going to fall off, but for the most part being consistent will help your skin. Here are some of my favorite products I’ve used to survive this winter.


Every Day Lotion


1. Face

Ponds dry skin cream. I originally bought this freshman year because I ran out of my usual moisturizer and I was lack a cash flow so I needed something cheap. I was wandering around Target when I spotted this and have never looked back. This lotion is light enough that you don’t get oily but leaves your skin feeling super moisturized.

Photo courtesy of Target


2. Body

Burt’s Bees Cocoa and CupuaÇu Butters Body Lotion. Burt’s Bees is my when and doubt product and this lotion is one of my staples. I put it on as soon as I get out of the shower to make sure I don’t dry up and add a little extra to my legs if they feel dry in the morning. The pump also makes it really easy to get every last drop.

Photo Courtesy of Target


3. Lips

Like I said above, a great every day chapstick is Burt’s Bees. My favorite is the pomegranate and I have one in all of my bags. A nicer one that I got for Christmas is by Kiehl’s. It is made for chapped lips and protects them from the wind and cold temperatures.

Photo Courtesy of Sephora


Night Time

At night I like to use heavier products because there’s more time for the product to be absorbed.


1. Moisturizer

It Cosmetics Confidence in a Cream. I like to use this at night because it’s thicker and leaves my skin feeling so soft! Remember that anything you put on your face you should also put on your neck!

Photo Courtesy of Sephora


2. Serum

My roommate got me this for Christmas and I LOVE IT. My skin feels reborn in the morning! Serum’s tend to be pricer but when you budget it out by week, it’s only $1.50! Cheaper than a cup of coffee, and it not only hydrates your face, but it helps to even out your skin tone.

Photo Courtesy of Sephora


3. Eye Cream

This is something I have recently added to my skincare routine and it is actually making a difference! I have always had super dark under eye circles, but after using this product for a month I can already see a difference. If you are balling on a budget, Mario Badescu also makes a great eye cream for only $15.

Photo Courtesy of Sephora




1. Masks

First Aid Beauty’s Ultra Repair Instant Oatmeal mask is a great product for the winter. It’s incredibly gentle and is basically an adult version of an oatmeal bath for your face. I like to use this 2 times a week. At $24 its also a great bang for your buck.

Photo Courtesy of Sephora


2. Scrub

A lip scrub is something you should definitely consider adding to your routine in the winter, just to get rid of all that dead, chapped skin. I like to use mine a couple times a week before bed. I put it on before I start my nightly routine (taking off contacts, pajamas, washing face and lotion) and by the time that’s finally done, I wipe it off with a warm washcloth and follow it with chapstick. Feel like getting crafty? You can make your own with coconut oil and sugar!


Photo Courtesy of Target


3. Sheet Masks

Sheet makes are a fun way to dedicate some time for self care and they really help to get some extra moisture into your face. In an ideal world, I like to use at least one a week. The Sephora Collection masks work great and you can buy three get one free! I prefer the pearl and pomegranate masks the best.

Photo Courtesy of Sephora

These freezing temperatures can be really harsh for your skin, so remember to take care of it. You wear your face every day, so making it a priority is a worthwhile investment!

A small but mighty 5'4 female who is a lover of dogs, all things chocolate and fashion. Sophomore at Emmanuel College.
Makenzie is a current Senior at Emmanuel College studying Communications + Media Cultural Studies and Performing Arts. (Try saying that three times fast...) She's been a part of her school's Her Campus chapter since it's very first semester, and has been chapter advising for 2 years. Makenzie is also a National Writer for HC's beauty section, Campus Trendsetter, and former HC Community Development Intern. Makenzie is incredibly excited to be finishing up her last semester as Co-Campus Correspondent of HC Emmanuel. Interested in joining yourself? Hit her up anytime!