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5 Reasons Why Morning Workouts Are Actually the Best

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Emmanuel chapter.

As a college student, waking up early probably isn’t your favorite thing to do. I mean, why would anyone want to leave the comfort of their bed earlier than necessary? Working out in the mornings may have seemed out of the question for you, but here’s a few reasons why waking up a little earlier can make your life so much better.

1. You’ll start feeling productive earlier:

Not many people can say they ran a few miles before class or work. Working out in the morning will help you start off your day feeling motivated! Even if the rest of the day isn’t productive, at least you went to the gym, right?

2. One word, endorphins:

Like Elle Woods says in Legally Blonde, “Exercise gives you endorphins. Endorphins make you happy”. By getting up early and working out, endorphins will give you that extra boost of happiness. You probably won’t feel as stressed throughout the day, either. This is all thanks to endorphins.

3. No more crowded gyms or streets:

Whether you’re working out in the gym or running outdoors, it will rarely be as crowded if you go in the morning.  You might even get the good treadmill at the gym!

4. You’ll be more focused:

You might think you’ll be tired from waking up earlier, but you’ll actually feel wide awake after you work out, and be way more focused on whatever you have going on that day! You won’t have to worry about falling asleep or zoning out in that lab or long lecture you have later.

5. You’ll have more time in your day:

Getting your workout done early means you won’t have to worry about planning the rest of your day around it. No more saying, “I can’t, I have to go to the gym.” Instead, you’ll have time to go to a club meeting or sports game with your friends. Morning workouts are basically a blessing to your social life.

Getting yourself to the gym in the first place is hard. But if you’re looking for reasons to get into a new routine, or a healthy way to get an extra energy boost, morning workouts might be exactly what you need. In the end, any workout is better than no workout!

Hey! I'm a junior at Emmanuel majoring in English Communications and double minoring in Management and Political Science. I love running and all things soccer related!
Sammy is a senior at Emmanuel College, majoring in English: Communications & Media Studies with a minor in Music-Theater. She discovered Her Campus through College Fashion Week: Boston, and has since re-launched Emmanuel's chapter and become a National Intern. On campus, Sammy gives weekly tours as an Admissions Ambassador, is a member of the Honors Program and stars in an as many theatrical productions as possible. She was also an Orientation Leader for the Class of 2019. Outside of school, she works as a sales associate at Charlotte Russe and manages a personal style blog called Backyard Beauty. An obsessive organizer, social media addict and fashion maven, Sammy dreams of living a lavish life as a magazine contributor in New York City after graduation. Follow her on Twitter @sammysays19 and Instagram @backyardbeautyxo or visit backyardbeautyxo.tumblr.com/.