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What ‘Friends’ Character You Are, Based on Your Zodiac Sign

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Emerson chapter.

Aries: You are Joey!

You have a killer personality and are super charismatic. You never look at anything in a negative light. You’re full of ambition and perseverance and you never give up on anything without a fight. Your friends mean the world to you, just like Joey’s, and you don’t know where you would be without them.  

Taurus: You are Rachel!

One thing is for sure, Taurus: You are not afraid to follow your dreams. You have a go-getter personality just like Rachel, and even when you find yourself at the bottom, you aren’t afraid to put in the work to move your way up to the top. Sometimes you can be a little jealous, but it’s only because you are so loving! Despite what others say, you are always confident and not afraid of what other people think of you.

Gemini: You are Estelle!

You are full of energy and super talkative. You can be a little spacey at times, but in the end, you’ll do anything for the people that you care about, just like Estelle does for Joey. You believe in the people you surround yourself with, because you know that they are the best people for you.  

Cancer: You are Chandler!

No matter what the situation is, Cancer, you are always there to lighten the mood.  Your lighthearted optimism is always well-received as it brings comfort to those around you in times of need. While sometimes you take the jokes to the extreme, your friends are always appreciative of your effort to make them feel as loved as they are. Sarcasm and humor are your go-tos in awkward situations, but you always manage to put a smile on the faces of others. You have a strong sense of character, just like Chandler, and while sometimes you can be afraid of commitment, once you find the right person, you’ll never look back.  

Leo: You are Janice!

You are super extroverted and love to have a good time. You love things that are dramatic and flamboyant in nature, as they are in touch with your personality. While you can sometimes cling to the past, you truly have a heart of gold, just like Janice.

Virgo: You are Monica!

You, like Monica, love to plan everything, and without you, the squad would probably never get together! While some people my see you as a perfectionist, you have a keen eye for detail, which is important for all your planning. You are always someone your friends can depend on, but when it comes down to it, you hate asking others for help. You are conscientious and organised which is part of what makes you so lovable.  

Libra: You are Mike!

You always know the right thing to do, which is part of what makes you such an intricate part of any group of friends. You want to make sure that everyone likes you, especially when you’re not an original member of the squad, but don’t worry. How could anyone not like you? While you tend to be a little bit gullible, you are also super charming and romantic. Just like Mike, you are easy to talk to, and subsequently, easy to get along with.

Scorpio: You are Ross!

You are very family-oriented and emotional. You feel strongly for others, whether or not that happens to be in a romantic way. You can sometimes have trouble on the communication front, but everyone loves you anyway. You are fiercely loyal (except when you are on a break?) and you expect the same in return. Just like Ross, it takes you some time to get over the past, but maybe that is for a reason.

Sagittarius: You are Susan!

Just like Susan, you are free-spirited and loud. You say exactly what you are thinking and you do not care what other people think of you. It is hard for you to filter your thoughts, but everyone appreciates your honesty. Your adventurous nature is what everyone admires about you.

Capricorn: You are Richard!

Capricorn, you are always calm, cool and collected, just like Richard. While you dislike change, you handle it with ease, though it is usually against your will. You have a traditional and practical side to you, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t loosen up and have a little bit of fun. You are stable, confident and loyal, which makes you the perfect friend and partner!  

Aquarius: You are Phoebe!

You are one of the most unique signs of the zodiac, so it makes perfect sense as to why you are Phoebe. Much like Phoebe, you have a weird, yet lovable demeanor. You also find it easy to empathise with everyone. You are intelligent, but like being known as the fun one instead, just like Phoebe.  

Pisces: You are Gunther!

You are very patient, much like Gunther. You are also very shy when it comes to talking to others, but this doesn’t take away from your lovable nature. While some people misunderstand you, the people closest to you love you more than anything. These are the people you open up to, because they will love you no matter what.

Talia is the Campus Correspondent for Her Campus at Emerson. Talia is also a Chapter Advisor, Region Leader, and HSA Advisor. She has previously worked as an intern for the national headquarters of Her Campus in the community management department. Talia is a Writing, Literature, and Publishing major at Emerson College in a 4+1 combined bachelor's and master's program in publishing. She is an aspiring writer and publisher. Talia is known for living life with her journal, a pen, and three lovely cats.
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