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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Emerson chapter.

Just in time for Halloween, here are some great movies (available on Netflix) sure to scare you!

1. The Babadook (2014)

If you want a movie that messes with your head, The Babadook is definitely one that will get you. Dook! Dook! Dook!

2. Housebound (2014)

Housebound, while having some truly terrifying parts, also has humor in it.

3. The Awakening (2011)

With a slow build and some interesting period styling, check out this flick with a twist ending that will get you every time.

4. Trollhunter (2010)

A Norwegian film based on the country’s myths about trolls, this documentary-style movie is one of the best foreign horror films!

5. Monsters (2010)

Although it may not have the most “stars” on Netflix, this film is incredible due to its tiny budget, amazing CGI creature work and a script that was written as it was shot.

part-time princess, full-time trash, one-time model
Emerson contributor