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Review of the New Galaxy S7 Edge

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Emerson chapter.

After careful consideration, I decided that it was time to make the ever common switch off the iPhone and over to the Android operating system. After a little research, it came down to deciding between two options: The Galaxy S6 edge or the soon-to-be-released Galaxy S7 edge. The equivalent pricing between the two (although I am sure the former’s pricing went down upon the release of the latter) caused me to decide on the newer model. So I put in my pre-order request and waited; being sure to enjoy my last days as a member of the exclusive club that is the iPhone. On the Thursday of spring break, a package arrived containing my new device and after a few hours of set up (I am definitely not a tech-savvy person) I was officially a proud owner of a Samsung device. It is now coming up on a week of me owning this phone and here are some things I have realized about it.

The Camera

The camera was a huge draw in my switching away from the iPhone. I was sick of the lower quality images that were taken with my iPhone 5s. I had heard rave reviews about the Galaxy camera and the S7 Edge’s camera was supposed to be even better than the proceeding model’s. While I have not yet taken photos in low light conditions (which was a new addition to the line), I can say that the photos taken during the day are clear and stunning. There is a huge difference in quality between the photos taken inside and outside, but that is due only to the lighting present in the given conditions.

The Edge Feature 

Like the previous S6 model, this new line offered both the Galaxy S7 and Galaxy S7 edge models. I decided to go with the edge. I am not going to lie; my initial decision on this choice was the fact that the edge phone look infinitely more cool than the regular version of the phone. The screen looks bigger and the curved appearance simply looks awesome. But after having the actual phone for a bit, I realized the edge feature’s function as well. This particular aspect, like many other aspects of the phone, is highly customizable. On my phone, I chose to have my edge feature give me the weather, my top contacts, my top apps, as well as a really cool feature that gives me apps I have chosen based on my location (home, work, out & about). I do enjoy this feature because it allows me to open apps with one hand which is difficult due to the size of the phone. But I have yet to decide whether it is more of a hassle than it is helpful. I will oftentimes hit the edge by accident, screwing up texts and opening apps when I do not mean to. But as of now, the look of the feature overrides any annoyance that has come up from it.

Water Resistance

Probably the biggest addition to this new phone was the water resistant feature. While the phone is not completely invincible to water, it no longer signifies the end of you phone if you happen to drop it in a puddle or the pool. This means you can take your phone in the shower, take your basic underwater selfies or accidently drop your phone in the toilet when you go to sit down. I have yet to do any of these, so I cannot speak for the reliability—but I have used it in the rain and so far so good!

Emerson contributor