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Recruitment Week: Emerson Sororities

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Emerson chapter.


Welcome back collegiettes! A new semester is upon us and that means the opportunity to get involved with the organziation you were always to afraid to join, talk to the cute boy sitting desk at Colonial or apply for your dream intersnship. Take chances and try things that are out of your comfort zone.

Some of you may not realize, but Emerson College has an active, albeit small, Greek life. In total, Emerson is home to three sororities, three fraternities and one co-ed fraternity. Each organization has something different to offer. Here is a quick overview of the Greek life opportunities available to females at Emerson:


Alpha Epsilon Phi

Alpha Epsilon Phi is a national sorority founded in 1909 to promote esteem and to provide a lifelong bond of friendship and sisterhood. The Beta Alpha chater at Emerson is a social sorority with a diverse group of women brought together by the common values of honesty, philanthrophy and scholarship, among others. http://www.emersonaephi.com

Kappa Gamma Chi

Kappa Gamma Chi is a professional soroity founded at Emerson in 1902 to foster the ideal of nurturing independent and strong women. Kappa is dedicated to the promotion of women’s advancement in society, personal growth and community service at Emerson and in Boston. http://www.kappagammachi.com/

Sigma Pi Theta

Sigma Pi Theta, a local social sorority, was founded in 1979 as a support system for women, with the ideals of sisterhood, trust and love. It encourages the growth of the individual as well as the sorority and the Emerson community. Sigma provides its members with a close-knit group of women that will stay with you throughout life. http://sigmapitheta.weebly.com/

Zeta Phi Eta

Zeta Phi Eta, a national professional coed fraternity, was founded in 1908 and is the oldest national group of its kind. The sisters and brothers of Zeta are committeed to high standards in the communication arts and sciences by providing opportunites to share professional and personal goals and interests. http://zetaphieta.shutterfly.com/

Each semester, these organizations welcome potential new members through a process called recruitment. To begin, Emerson’s Greek Council is sponsoring a Greek Life Open House on Tuesday, January 22 from 6 to 8 pm in the Bill Bordy. 

Then, throughout recruitment week, each group holds a number of events to educate new potential new members on what they are all about. This also gives active members a chance to get to know those interested because at the end of the process, they will decide who they want to pledge their sorority. The offer to pledge a sorority is called a bid. The decision to accept a bid from a sorority is final, meaning that you cannot pledge another sorority, so be sure to choose wisely. Attend as many recruitment events as you can and get to know as many active members as possible. Read through each soroities website for more information on specific dates and times for recruitment events.

Throughout the process, the most important thing to remember is to always be yourself. In the most blantant terms, recruitment week is essentially being judged by active members. It’s scary to think about, but it makes it that much more important to be yourself. Active members are looking for the right group of girls to add to their sorority, but you are also looking for the right fit for you. Don’t try to act like the person you think they are looking for. You will be asked a lot of questions in an attempt to get to know you, so answer them honestly and always represent yourself correctly. The process is intimidating but it can also be a lot of fun if you relax and enjoy the events. 


Hey Collegiettes! I'm Alicia and a senior here at Emerson College. I created my own major called Magazine Studies, incorporating the fields of journalism, publishing and marketing. I want to be a magazine journalist after college, ideally at a mag like Seventeen! I love writing profiles, reviews and about anything television and movies. I'm a sister of Sigma Pi Theta and Co-President of Emerson's community service group, Imagine. 
Sara graduated from Emerson College in December 2013 with her B.S. in Marketing Communication. She loves writing, designing and DIY.  Follow her on twitter @SaraWynkoop