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How To Stay Stress Free in 2015

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Emerson chapter.

         1. Live in the moment

…Like Gabriella and Troy.

2. Surround yourself with people that love you

…And learn to love yourself.

3. Get like your favorite Uncle, Tito, and relax! As the ancient Hawaiians used to say… 

“A wise man cherishes today because tomorrow he could meet the fiery end at the bottom of a volcano.”

4. Exercise and eat healthy! 

…Even when you don’t want to!

5. Sleep more

At least 7-8 hours a night.

6. Think positively!

Just look at this guy, he’s got it down!

7. Chew gum!

In 10 minutes, you’ll feel less anxious and more alert.

8. Get organized and clean

Out with the old, in with the new!

9.  Meditate for a short amount of time every day

Meditation will help your emotional and physical well-being.

10. Most importantly, life’s too short to spend being stressed and worried…

Be grateful and appreciate everything and everyone you have.

Emerson contributor