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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Emerson chapter.

Go Short.

Keep your nails short as they grow out, that way they are much less likely to break. 


Your nails become brittle and weak when they are dehydrated, so make sure you put on lotion and cuticle oil whenever possible. 

Eating Right.

This could mean taking in more calcium or biotin, the first one is a mineral and the other is a vitamin, but both aid in the growth and strengthening of nails. You can find calcium in milk and biotin in foods such as eggs, almonds, and avocados. 

Get a Gel Manicure.

This may sound counterintuitive but I swear it helps! Since your nails are so soft after getting acrylics off, having a gel layer will be a nice, hard shell to prevent them from bending or breaking when they begin to grow out. 


You can definitely heal and save your nails after acrylics, but not overnight—it’ll take time. You’ll need to wait for the damaged nails to completely grow out and be replaced with healthy nails. Follow the tips listed above and wait, in time you’ll be back to normal!

Ada Wong

Emerson '23

Ada is a freshman at Emerson College majoring in writing, literature and publishing. She is from California and is an avid cook and animal lover.
Emerson contributor