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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Emerson chapter.

Lately, I have been going to my fair share of concerts and have been amazed at what I have been seeing. Some of the clothing that girls (and guys for that matter) are wearing is astounding. So here are a few tips on what not to wear at a concert—for your sake and for everyone else’s.

1. Don’t wear 6-inch stilettos 

I don’t care how cute you look in your sky-high heels. A concert is just not the place for them. You are going to be standing for 3+ hours and by the end of it I promise that you will be in a lot of pain. Stick to the flat shoes or even a chunkier heel. If you do choose to wear heels, you are stuck with them for the rest of the night. Do not be the drunken girl who takes off her shoes in the middle of the concert. It is not classy and it is definitely not sanitary. 

2. Don’t forget your jacket

In the winter especially, I have noticed a lot of girls who do not dress properly for freezing weather. While I can completely understand the need to wear less clothing to a concert (it is hot and there are a lot of people), I cannot understand why people refuse to wear jackets. I fully believe that standing in the coat check line is completely worth it if it means not getting hypothermia. So please cover up. It is for your own good. 

3. Don’t wear your hair down 

This is for my sake as much as it is for yours. First of all, you are going to be dancing the night away and will most likely get a little sweaty. That hair that you spent hours perfectly curling will not make it through the opening acts. This is also important if you are going to be standing (and dancing) in the pit. I cannot tell you how many times I have been stuck behind some long-haired beauty whose only dance move is flipping her hair from side to side. While this may be great for pictures, it is not so great for the 5’2” person standing behind you. I cannot tell you how many times I have had hair flipped into my eyes and, trust me, it stings.

So be courteous, have fun, look hot and enjoy the concert. 

Emerson contributor