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How to Make the Most of Your First Semester in College

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Emerson chapter.

Your first semester of college can be overwhelming. There is so much to do on any given day, and it can be hard to decide how to prioritize your time. Never fear, though, because we’ve compiled a list of things to do to make sure that you get the most out of your first semester.

1. Go to orientation events

There’s a reason your school is hosting these events, and they usually do a good job. Not only are you sure to get some free food/swag (or both!), it’s also a really great way to meet new people.

2. Introduce yourself to your RAs and RD(s)

Your RAs are also students, and chances are they’ll be pretty cool. And even if they don’t end up being your best friend, it’s always good to build a relationship with someone who has to give you advice if you ask for it. As for the RDs, they’re great people to know in case someday you want to become an RA, or if you just want to meet the awesome people who keep your residence hall running smoothly.

3. Explore Boston

Don’t limit yourself to on-campus events! Boston is a city teeming with student-friendly activities, as well as museums, theaters, music halls, and more. On-campus stuff is great, but make sure you take advantage of what the city has to offer.

4. Go to class, and make sure your teachers remember you

Going to class can really stink sometimes, and engaging in the class can be even harder. But it’s going to be good in the long run if you make it a habit to go to your classes, and start a relationship with your teacher. You never know when you’re going to need an extension, or even a recommendation letter later on, and it’s always helpful if at least someone on the faculty knows your name. 

5. Join an organization or two (or three)

Being a part of an org is a great way to get to know people and do something that you like. Working to produce something or working towards the goal of your specific organization is sure to keep you happy and fulfilled, and is a great way to spend your time.

6. Talk to as many people as possible

This may sound cliché, but it’s important. Talk to as many people as you can, there’s no downside to talking to someone, but there’s always a possibility for a missed opportunity if you don’t talk to them. Some college friends are known to become life-long friends, and you don’t want to miss one of those people just because you were to shy to speak up. Other people want to talk to you too, so make the move and get to know as many of your peers as you can. 

It’s important to prioritize, but make sure you make time for yourself. This is a guide; you don’t have to follow it to the letter just to squeeze everything you can out of college life. College is your time to find yourself and pursue the things that make you happiest, so don’t lose sight of that. 

Emerson contributor