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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Emerson chapter.

Registration can be one of the most stressful times of the year. The classes you need are at the wrong times, everything gets filled up before your registration date, or you just don’t know what to take. Don’t worry though, we’re here to help with tips not only on how to survive registration but also how to get through it stress free. 

1. Go to the advising center.

First things first, go to the advising center. Even if you think you don’t need to, or have a faculty advisor, make sure you go to the advising center. This is their job, so they know what they are doing and they are paid to do it. Let them know that you need help figuring out next semester’s schedule for registration. They’re able to print out your degree audit, which will show you which credits you’ve already completed and which credits you still need. Together you can figure out what requirements should be taken first, and what can be saved for later. That way you can create the perfect schedule for next semester.  

2. Find your favorites and then pick back ups.

Now that you know your requirements, whether they are an ethics gen-ed or a major 300-level literature class, look through all of the offered classes. Figure out which classes interest you the most and write them down. Make sure you have multiple options though; back-ups are a must when it comes to registration.

3. Go through the course offerings ASAP.

You know what classes you need and want to take, so now it is time to check out their offerings for next semester. Go online and check out next semester’s course offerings. This way you’ll be able to see how many sections of the class are offered, the days and times, the professor, and how much room is in each section. Make a list. For each class you need or want to take, write down each section that you’re qualified for. Write down the CRN, class number and section, along with the days, time and professor. This way you have all the information.

4. Take a step back.

There is a lot of time between when courses offerings are released and registration begins. Take a step back! Constantly looking through the offerings over and over again every day isn’t going to help. And seeing classes start to fill up from the people registering before you is only going to stress you out. Take a step back from registration and just relax.

5. Check in.

A day or two before it is time for you to register is when you should go back to planning. Look through the classes that you previously wrote down. Are some full? Are some tight on space? Find new options if you need to. Then write down a list of your ideal schedule. Include CRN, course number, course section, days and time. Then make a list of back-ups to substitute in, just in case the courses you want fill up before you get to register. 

6. Register.

It is finally registration time. Relax. Go to bed at a decent time, no one wants to oversleep or press snooze on their alarm on registration day. Make sure you wake up at least a good fifteen to twenty minutes before your registration time. This way if any problems or computer malfunctions happen you will have time to adjust.

7. If you have post-registration problems don’t worry… yet.

Didn’t get into a class you absolutely needed? Don’t worry. First, try to get on the waitlist if there is one. Second, make sure you fill your schedule with something. It’s better to be in a class you can drop later than nothing at all. Keep your eye out for the next week or so after registration, other students might be rearranging their schedules and drop the class you need, leaving an open spot. Or, new sections might be added. Absolutely need to get in the class? Have no other options? If you absolutely have to take the class, strictly because you have no other options, reach out to the department head or the professor. Sometimes they will have reserved spots, or will be able to fit in an extra student. If all else fails, wait for next semester’s add/drop period.

Take a deep breath and relax! Registration can be stress free, just be prepared and approach it with the right attitude!

Lindsey Paradis has loved Boston all her life, and coming from a small Western Mass town she’s had time to enjoy it. Now at Emerson as a Writing, Literature, and Publishing major, she has more than enough time to take in the beautiful city. When she’s not working with preschoolers, Lindsey finds herself writing stories, hanging out with friends, reading her way through Game of Thrones, and watching Sex & the City.
Emerson contributor