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How To Make Class Reading More Enjoyable

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Emerson chapter.

College classes are generally reading-heavy, and that means you’ll often have to read for hours without getting a break. It may seem daunting at first, but with these tips and tricks, you’ll be able to get through your readings in no time!

Give yourself rewards. If you feel like you have no reason to finish a chapter or an article, it’s going to be really hard to get through. Reward yourself for every part you get through. One technique that is commonly used is to put a piece of your favorite candy at certain points in the reading. Once you get to those points, you get to eat the candy! If candy isn’t your thing, you can give yourself rewards by being allowed to check social media for a few minutes, take a break, go for a walk, call someone you are close with, or do something else that’s enjoyable. Even though it might seem like a waste of time to take breaks, you’ll get things done much more quickly if you are able to focus.

Break it up. Another way to make sure you stay focused on the reading is to alternate. If you have more than one thing to read, read one chapter of one subject, and one chapter of another, and then go back to the first subject. Alternating work helps you stay focused on what you are doing, and it also offers a break and a change of pace.

Imagine it in modern language. A lot of readings for class are hard to get through because they were written so long ago. When you’re reading something that was written in the 1400s, it can be easy to get lost in the language being used. I think that one of the best ways to help yourself understand and get through an old reading is to translate it in your head. Imagine the dialogue in a way that you would say it to your friends.

Read aloud. This is another way to understand difficult readings. There are so many distractions around us constantly that it can be hard to focus on what you’re doing. With reading aloud, use your judgment—don’t read in a crowded room or if your roommate is trying to study. Using this trick when you’re alone can definitely help you to understand what is being said. Sometimes all it takes is to hear something in our own voice.

Read SparkNotes. It’s not usually a good idea to just read the SparkNotes of something you are supposed to read in its entirety, because you’ll miss a lot of the details that you may eventually be tested on. However, SparkNotes is great supplementary reading to help you fully understand the text. SparkNotes simplifies the plot, puts it in language that is easy to understand, and cuts everything down to just the most important pieces. Reading SparkNotes can really help you to fully understand readings for class!

If you find yourself in a slump and you’re not sure how to go back to reading, follow these tips and you’ll definitely be on your way to finishing all of your work!

Sarah Marcantonio is a sophomore Writing, Literature, and Publishing major. Sarah hopes to pursue a career writing in someway-- taking any job she can take. Her ultimate goal is to write for a bridal magazine. Born and raised in New Jersey, Sarah hopes to return to New York after graduation. She likes to write about feminism, Boston, current events at Emerson College, and pop culture. 
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