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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Emerson chapter.

Traveling and vacationing grant the pleasure of living in a different world for a couple of weeks, forgetting about work and school stress. But, the pandemic prohibits us from escaping and immersing ourselves in new experiences. For some of us, the longest trip is from the bedroom to the kitchen. Isolated at home, we stay stuck in monotonous routines. Luckily, I will share with you a couple of ways to get out of your everyday routine and virtually explore the world around you. You will be surprised by the new experiences, opportunities, and benefits of staying home that will improve your mental health and expand your knowledge. 

1. Learn a new language

How many times have you said that you want to learn Spanish, French, Italian, Japanese, and so on, but for some reason, you never “have the time?” Now is the perfect opportunity to change that restrictive mindset. Online courses or apps such as Duolingo or Babbel are efficient and effective methods of learning a new language. Even if you don’t become fluent, you will challenge your mind to remember new vocabulary and adjust to grammar rules. The deeper knowledge of the language, the deeper appreciation and connection to the culture, customs, traditions, and history of that specific country. Putting yourself out of your comfort zone empowers you to escape from your daily routine and gain a sense of accomplishment. Who knows? Perhaps, once traveling is permitted again, you will blend into a community that you once thought of as foreign. 

clipart of a computer that says "online learning"
Photo by mmi9 from Pixabay

2. Cook a Foreign Meal 

The simplest way to enjoy another culture is by tasting it. Immersing yourself in the nation’s art of cooking will give you a delicious result. Opening your pantry to eat a bag of chips quickly becomes dull and unhealthy. So, let’s gather the energy to create rich and nutritious meals! I am not just talking about rewatching the baked feta pasta recipe on TikTok; I am talking about an interactive cooking experience. 

Airbnb Experience is a website full of programs designed by local experts worldwide to teach you the unique practices of their region. Virtually welcome yourself in the home of a Sicilian chef, and learn authentic styles and methods of making a cannoli. You not only experience the rich, creamy, and crunchy taste of cannoli but connect with people around the globe.

woman eating
Photo by Pablo Merchán Montes on Unsplash

3. Watch a foreign film or a travel documentary/series

Take a break from work, turn on the TV, and snack on some tacos you just made from the Airbnb Experience. Instead of rewatching Friends, Gossip Girl, or The Office, experience a new culture through the lens of film. Foreign films allow you to see the world through another country’s perspective, highlighting the diverse human experiences, values, and traditions. The insight from travel or historical documentaries can expand your mind to new ways of seeing and thinking.

Watching foreign films also immerses you in the language. Processing and translating the language in your head helps you gain fluency. The more you practice hearing the language, the more naturally you speak it. Watching a film is a perfect opportunity to experience conversational phrases and vocabulary in context. 

There are many options you can find on the web and Netflix, but here are some of my personal favorite foreign films and television series: 

  1. Y Tú Mamá También

  2. Life is Beautiful

  3. Amélie

  4. Eat, Pray, Love

  5. Baby

  6. Fauda

  7. Elite

    Couple watching Netflix
    Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

4. Volunteer Remotely

Contribute to the world around you by virtually volunteering abroad. Support global organizations that combat social issues, advocate for human rights and support sustainable development. You can participate by donating money or creating a virtual campaign for a specific organization. Learning the harsh realities within other nations will broaden and open your perspective, influencing and impacting the society around you.  

woman using laptop
Photo by Artem Podrez from Pexels

5. Dedicate a day or a week to a country

Instead of dedicating yourself to the practices of one country for an extended period, you can diversify your experience by immersing yourself in multiple cultures each day or each week. The Airbnb Experience also provides other interactive activities. On Monday, you can spend a day with a Parisian, and Tuesday, learn the history of an Irish village. 

In the Airbnb Experience, get physically active by learning new dances, including the tango or salsa. Learn about culture while relieving stress and getting a good workout! You can also adopt practices and customs such as meditation and yoga. Observing new practices from other cultures only enhances your cultural awareness. Maybe you will see the benefits of certain practices and incorporate them into your lifestyle and mindset. 

Woman doing yoga meditation on brown parquet flooring
Photo by Jared Rice from Unsplash

COVID-19 eliminated our ability to physically immerse ourselves in new cultural experiences, but we can virtually bring that world to life in our own homes. Maintaining a positive attitude during this time of restraint will allow us to explore the world around us, and potentially discover something new about ourselves.

Hi! I'm Hannah Shemtov, and I'm a student studying journalism and psychology at Emerson College. I enjoy reporting on culture and international news and is interested in producing for broadcast.
Emerson contributor