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How to Get Ready for the Next Season of Game of Thrones

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Emerson chapter.

If you didn’t already know, Winter is Coming. No, scratch that. Winter is here. In just a few days time television screens across the world will be tuning in to HBO to catch the season 4 premiere of Game of Thrones. If you haven’t seen any promo pictures yet, here are a few to get your blood pumping.

If you’re like us, you’ve probably been waiting since the second the credits started rolling last season. You’ve been in a state of perpetual confusion and slight pain, waiting to see the faces of Cercei Lannister and Jon Snow.


Seriously, let’s just take a second to appreciate the beauty that is Jon Snow.

THOSE EYES. THAT HAIR. It’s too much.

Anyway, the wait has finally paid off! With only a few days left until the premier, it seems that hope now runs through your veins. It’s time—granted that just means its time to get your heart broken in a hundred different ways. And I mean, if you thought the Red Wedding was bad I’m sure this season will be packed with enough blood shed to make that scene look like a picnic. So really, why should we celebrate?


This. This is why we should celebrate.


Enough said?


It’s hard to complete a thought with these beauties clouding our judgment. But with hours standing between you and your sixty minutes of bloodshed and betrayal, it’s important to be prepared.


Step 1: Catch up on the last season.

Maybe you binge watched the series last summer (guilty.) Or maybe you’ve been watching it religiously since it began. Regardless, it is important to go over at least the last few episodes of season 3. Make sure you don’t forget a single detail, or else you’ll very quickly fall behind.


Step 2: Come to terms with the deaths of previous characters.

I don’t want to give anything away, but last season was full of a lot of heartache. And I know myself that I still can’t believe some of the deaths I witnessed. I mean, seriously? At a wedding? Whatever, I’m over it. And you better get over it too, because tragedy is far from over for these characters.


Step 3: Get out all the pain.

Eat a bowl of ice cream; eat a whole pint. Cry in the shower. Bite off all of your nail polish. Rip the sheets off your bed. Punch your pillow. This goes along with step 2, in order to come to terms you must unleash all the pain and anguish caused by last season. You may think you’re over it. You’re not.


Step 4: Breathe.

In. Out. Deep breaths. Relax. There are only a few days left. Get excited. Jump around and laugh. Sing. Remember the beautiful faces that’ll be gracing your screen. This is the calm before the storm. Embrace it


Step 5: Stock up on snacks.

It’s going to be a long hour, even though it’ll pass in the blink of an eye. Have something easy on hand, like popcorn or Oreos. Get ready to stuff your face, that’s half the fun anyway!


Step 6: Decide where you’ll be watching the premiere.

Will you be in your dorm? Will you be in the common room? Maybe you’ll be lounging in the living room of your apartment. Wherever you end up, make sure it is ready for you. Make sure there are plenty of pillows and blankets. Turn off the lights, and make sure you’re free of any annoying distractions. AKA: roommates need to find other plans, sorry!


Step 7: Accept that you’ll be unsatisfied.

It’s the first episode of the season, of course it’s going to be great! But know that it’ll only be downhill from there. The only thing you can do is eat your Cheez-its, wipe your sobbing eyes with an old sock, and pray that they’ll spare Daenery’s dragons.

The fourth season of Game of Thrones premiers on HBO Sunday, April 6th at 9pm.

Emerson contributor