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How To End The Semester On A Positive Note

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Emerson chapter.

The semester is slowly coming to a close and summer is nearly here! But we can’t keep daydreaming of our toes in the sand and mind in paradise. We have to end the semester on a positive and successful note before we can worry about our tan. Here are just a few ways to guarantee your semester will end with success!

1. Stay organized

We are all victims of losing our organization bug halfway through the year. Make sure that all of your materials are in order for classes and finals. That way, you won’t have to worry if you submitted something or not. Checklists are an awesome and easy way to make sure everything is completed and in order. To make this process more colorful, add some fun DIY desk organizers and color-coated folders to help brighten up the clutter and get everything together!

2. Stay motivated

We all feel the motivation slowly slide out from under us when the last few weeks of classes appear. But we can’t get sloppy! You have worked hard all semester and it’s not worth it to just let everything slack in the end. Keep a motivation board, list, or picture on your computer, in your room or even in your head. Thinking about what you will be able to do when school is over is a great way to continue on strong in your academics, internships, and activities. You can’t slack off now!

3. Don’t burn bridges

When we go home or away for summer, do not forget the people you have grown close to and developed strong relationships with! This includes friends, co-workers, professors and even future employers you networked with during the year. You want to make sure that when you come back in the fall, you can pick back up with these people because you made sure to keep in touch with them while you are apart. When it comes to friends, you obviously have the choice to maintain whichever relationships you want and to discontinue others, but make sure it is what you feel most confident and comfortable with.

4. Look for summer opportunities

Finally, make sure to not only focus on the end of school, but also summer. Setting up work or internship opportunities now will benefit you when summer rolls around at the end of May. It may be stressful balancing all of that now, but by the time you move out, you will be all set with your new summer plans! Summer is a great time to discover new opportunities for experience and to add to your resume. 

Stay strong these last few months of school, and you will be sure to end it on a great note!

Emerson contributor