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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Emerson chapter.

Ready or not, the holiday season is in full swing. If you are planning on giving gifts this season, you may be feeling a bit nervous about your college student budget. Luckily, there is still some time to save some extra cash before you get shopping! Here’s how.

Tip 1: Watch what you buy.

It’s not a bad idea to start tracking your spending now. Write down everything you buy for a week, or look through your bank statements, and ask yourself what you can cut out. Can you eat out a little less? How about sticking to public transit and ditching the Uber rides for a few weeks?  

Tip 2: Make small changes in your shopping habits.

You should also keep your receipts. Look through the items and assess how wisely you’re spending your money. Are you purchasing name brand products when the store brand is just as good? Are you wasting money by buying items in bulk that you take forever to go through? These small changes definitely add up! Saving money doesn’t necessarily mean you have to stop purchasing all of your favorite things; sometimes saving is as simple as switching to the store brand toilet paper for a week or two.

Tip 3: Actively search for savings.

Whether you’re starting your holiday shopping now, or if you’re just working to save the money to do it, it is the perfect time to keep an eye out for deals. It never hurts to quickly google a store and search for coupons, especially this time of year when most companies are running great sales! When it’s time to hit the grocery store, don’t be afraid to clip coupons either. All it takes is a few extra minutes before your shopping trip to save money.  

Tip 4: Look for extra income.

Even if you have a stable job, there are many ways to add in a little extra income before the holidays. If you have some nice clothing you never wear, why not sell it? Or why not put your talents to use, and try selling a craft or a skill? Even if you only make a few bucks here and there, you can quickly build up some savings with a little extra effort. It’s time to turn that hobby into a side job!

Tip 5: Take the pressure off.

No matter how much money you save over the next month, as long as you put a lot of thought and creativity into your gifts (even if you can’t put in that much money), you’re sure to have a successful holiday! When in doubt, make something by hand; it’s inexpensive and meaningful!

Ashley is a senior Writing, Literature, and Publishing major at Emerson College. She will graduate in December 2016. She loves playing with clothes and make-up, traveling, and drinking way too much coffee. Friends and family, cute animals, (especially her own), and dessert make her happy. 
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