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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Emerson chapter.

Have you ever dreamed of writing for an online magazine? Or maybe you’ve always enjoyed writing, but you’re not sure how to put yourself out there? Her Campus at Emerson is now accepting writers of all experience levels!

At HC Emerson, our goal is for you to grow into the writer you want to be. Whether you like writing about entertainment, news, lifestyle, or anything in between, you can write about the topics you are most passionate about. You’ll become a published writer, and you will be able to share your Her Campus portfolio with friends, family, or even employers.

Her Campus Media
When you get involved with Her Campus, you get to join an international community of people with similar aspirations and interests. With over 400 chapters worldwide, Her Campus has plenty of opportunities to connect with other community members both in the country and around the world.

Based on our content output, social media strategy, and marketing campaigns, Emerson’s chapter ranks in the top 10 percent of chapters worldwide. You’ll receive exclusive opportunities to test out products and attend events from Her Campus headquarters. Being part of our chapter is an experience you won’t get anywhere else!

If you’re interested in writing for us, our application can be found on our EmConnect page. You can always send us an email at hc.emerson@hercampus.com with any questions, and be sure to keep up with us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram!

Writing, Literature, and Publishing major at Emerson College, concentrating in publishing and minoring in psychology. Avid defender of cats, coffee after dinner, and young adult books.