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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Emerson chapter.

It’s the week we all dread: finals week. The week where we have to use everything we learn to show we made progress and actually learned something during the semester. It’s a hard time, especially for people who hate quizzes and get stressed easily. So I made a list of thirteen reminders to keep in mind while preparing and taking your finals.

1. You are more than your grades

2. Be open and honest with your professors

3. Reach out for support

4. It’s okay to take a break during this time

5. Acknowledge how far you have come

6. Your best is always good enough

7. Don’t overwhelm yourself

8. Pay attention to your body, mind and soul

9. Actually take the time to study, review the material and understand the assignment

10. Once you’re finished, focus on yourself. Like really focus on yourself

11. Encourage yourself

12. Good things are coming and happening during this time

13. Acknowledge and appreciate your progress and where you are now

14. Celebrate yourself

Don’t stress about these finals too much because it will all be okay in the end. I wish you all the luck in the world during this time.

"You Got This" sign with iPhone next to it
Photo by Prateek Katyal from Pexels


Hi, my name is Aricka and I'm a sophomore at Emerson College. I write articles ranging from horror and mystery to astrology and crystals. I hope you enjoy my content!
Emerson contributor