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Black Friday or Cyber Monday? When to Get the Best Deals

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Emerson chapter.

In just one short week, Thanksgiving will be here, and exactly one month later Christmas will be over. During that one month, everyone will be scrambling to find the perfect gifts for friends and family, unless they turn to Black Friday or Cyber Monday to do all their shopping. But then the question becomes, which is the day to get the best deals? You decide!

Black Friday


  • One article on dealnews.com says that shoppers can get the best deals on speakers, headphones, iphones, video games, and garden items on Black Friday.

  • Amazon and Best Buy have already started  “Countdown to Black Friday” and “pre-Black Friday” sales.


  • You might be waiting in very long lines in order to get into stores offering Black Friday deals.

  • Black Friday sales can last up to two weeks after they begin, so your trip to the mall could wait if you don’t mind risking the possibility that what you want could be out of stock.


Cyber Monday


  • Convenience! You can sit on your couch, eat Thanksgiving leftovers and scroll through the internet.

  • The same article on dealnews.com tells readers that Cyber Monday is the perfect time to buy clothing, beauty, shoes, appliances, hotel deals, and toys.

  • Starting November 6th, Walmart is putting “Cyber Monday-like prices” on ten online specials every day until the holiday shopping season ends.


  • Websites can get overloaded and crash.

  • Because you won’t be able to look at the item you’re purchasing in person, the item you get in the mail could be different from what you expected.
Emerson contributor