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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Emerson chapter.

Many of us have that dream job or internship in mind. Good news – your amazing résumé has made it to the top of the applicant pile. Now, it’s time to prep for that interview. Feeling nervous? Don’t fret! Follow these steps and you’ll be celebrating your new job before long!


1. Prepare. You don’t want to go to an interview and blank on the spot because you didn’t do your research. Preparing might seem obvious, but it is the only thing you have full control over in the interview process. Research the company and the person who is interviewing you.  The more information you have, the more prepared you will be!

2. Practice Makes Perfect—If it’s in front of the mirror, in the shower, or with a friend, practice possible interview questions. The more you practice interviewing, the more comfortable you will be during the real deal. You can even record yourself with your camera! This way, you can rewind, see what you did wrong and right, and try to improve.

3. Know What You want—Knowing what your expectations are for the job/internship you are applying for is extremely important. Show the interviewer that you have a personal goal that you wish to achieve through the work experience. This will make you seem motivated and goal directed. And don’t just say you want the job!

4. “What are your weaknesses?”—Be prepared for this question, which is often asked during an interview. Remember to never say being a perfectionist is your weakness. And don’t answer with “I don’t have a weakness”—this does not make you look confident, but arrogant. An acceptable answer would be “I would like to improve upon…”

5. Act Confident – Don’t under estimate the power of appearing like a confident candidate. Body language is important from the first “hello.” Stand up (and sit up) tall. Be sure to offer a firm handshake and maintain good eye contact throughout the interview. Place your hands on your lap and make sure your feet are firmly on the ground and not tapping about.

6. Relax—When it comes down to that time, try to relax. The morning of the interview, go for a quick jog or spin class and get all of that nervous energy out. Try some deep diaphragm breathing. If you are calm and relaxed before the interview, you’ll be able to present your best possible self.

7. Appearance – Appearances always count and a first impression is a lasting impression. Your clothes should be neat, clean, comfortable, and fit you properly. Have a light hand when doing your hair and applying make-up and perfume. Research the “culture” of the company and see what people wear to work. It’s not fitting to wear jeans to a banking interview, but it also may not be appropriate to wear a pin stripe business suit and power heels to a tech start up interview.

8. Interview the Interviewer—Ask the interviewer a couple of questions: how long have they been working there, what are their day-to-day responsibilities, what opportunities are there for growth in the company…you get the idea.

9. Follow-up—Send an email and a Thank You card to the interviewer, thanking them for their time and consideration. Why send both? So you can cover all of your bases. With an email you can add more detail, but a hand-written card, which is more personalized, will also be appreciated and help you stand out as a polished and polite candidate.


And, of course, remember to have a firm (but not too firm handshake) look professional, be punctual but not too early (arriving 15-20 minutes prior to your interview is ideal), and you’re on your way to nailing that new job or internship!

Erin is now a senior at Emerson College in Boston, MA pursuing a degree in Print & Multimedia journalism. Originally from West Orange, New Jersey, Erin enjoys fashion, baking, hiking, traveling, and sharks. She is currently Co-Campus Correspondent of Emerson's Her Campus branch, and recently worked as an Editorial/Web Production intern and freelancer for Details.com at Conde Nast in New York City. Follow her on Twitter @appenzo.