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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Emerson chapter.

Emerson College is notorious for hipsters and creative students, however parties are not as legendary as some of the alumni.

It’s happened to everyone: you start the night out with the highest expectations, to attend a party that’s fun but not rachet. Once you realize what you’ve gotten into, you try to think of a subtle way to bail. However, your friends don’t want to leave or the host is a close friend, or maybe you just can’t physically get to the door. Either way you’re stuck! But that doesn’t mean you should suffer in silence, instead be proactive! Use these 7 tips and try to turn the night around!


1. Is the party a little lackluster? Aka is everyone standing around in the dark just staring at each other? In this situation, the best thing you can do is to take it upon yourself to bring some life to the party.  Get your friends to join you on the dance floor and get the fun started!




2. Bad playlist? Yell out some suggestions, maybe the party throwers don’t realize no one is going to dance to their “Best of Broadway” faves. When in doubt “Turn Down for What” is a great one to get people dancing.




3. Start a drinking game! If space is tight or the group is just not feeling dancing, a drinking game is a great way boost the energy. At the very least you’ll learn some very personal facts about your peers through a round of Never Have I Ever. If that doesn’t break the ice and get people to loosen up, I don’t know what will!



4. On the other end of the spectrum if the party is absolutely insane, and you’re not feeling a rachet sweaty night, leave the main party room. Usually at a party there’s a second more chill gathering somewhere. Maybe it’s the hallway, the basement or even the back patio, but taking a break from the craziness can make an out of control party more bearable.



5. If you still aren’t having fun… find someone else who also looks like they’re having an equally bad time. You two can commiserate together and become fast friends. Nothing brings people together like mutual hatred!


6. Start a sub-party for Super Cool Party People Only. I can’t take credit for this tip, it comes straight from the wise mind of Lorelai Gilmore when she is stuck at a wedding during the sixth season. If you hang out with a small group of people who are also having fun, you can block out the rest of the party!



7. And if all else fails… get drunk! Just kidding, maybe have a drink or two to feel a slight buzz. Remember to consider if the hangover the next morning is worth temporarily numbing your mind. Save your sloppy drunk nights for a better party!

Most importantly, keep perspective! After all it’s only one night. If attending bad parties seems to become a trend, maybe it’s time to reevaluate who you’re hanging out with, or just lower your unreasonably high college party expectations that every movie instilled in you as a child!

P.S. The worst parties make the best stories for the next day!

Caroline is sophomore at Emerson College, studying Media Production. Born and raised in New England she hopes to head out to the west coast after graduation. In her spare time she works on student TV and film productions. One day she hopes to work in the TV industry as a producer or showrunner. Currently her favorite shows are Shameless, Orange is the New Black and Veroncia Mars.
Emerson contributor