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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Emerson chapter.

Reading is important at all ages. But, in college, we often don’t find time to do the things that are important, such as reading and sleeping, and we kind of forget about reading for pleasure. We are so involved with homework and classes and jobs and internships that we forget how much we enjoy reading for ourselves, even if it’s just for 15 minutes before bed every night. Here are seven books that every college girl should read before they graduate.

1. Yes Please by Amy Poehler

Amy Poehler is one of my favorite people, and it’s about time she wrote a book! The book is partly a memoir of her life and career and partly meant for comedy. The tone of the book is as if you’re having a conversation with Amy. The book is hilarious and insightful and will make you question everything in the best possible way.

2. Uganda be Kidding Me by Chelsea Handler

Chelsea Handler is hilarious. End of story. She’s written five books since 2005: My Horizontal Life (2005), Are You There, Vodka? It’s Me, Chelsea (2008), Chelsea Chelsea Bang Bang (2010), Lies That Chelsea Handler Told Me (2011) and Uganda Be Kidding Me (2014). She’s also filmed comedy specials for Netflix, her TV show on E! Chelsea Lately, and just came out with a 4-episode documentary style TV show for Netflix called Chelsea Does. All of her books are amazing and they are all worth a read, but her most recent book, Uganda be Kidding Me is outstanding.

3. Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me? (And Other Concerns) by Mindy Kaling

This was Mindy Kaling’s first book, published in 2012, and of course it’s perfect. Most people know Kaling from The Office or her show The Mindy Project, both of which she was or is a writer for. She’s a fantastic writer. In her book Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me?, she brings readers on almost a tour of her life and her brain. She talks about friendship, love and Hollywood. Needless to say, this book is constant entertainment and a page-turner.

4. One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel Garcia Marquez

If you’re looking for a book more on the intellectual side, this book is for you. I read this book in high school and it captured my attention from beginning to end. It’s a magical realism book, so along the lines of a myth-novel. This book is great for college students because it touches on themes of loneliness and the evolution of loneliness and it will help you understand how important it is to have family and close friends to support you.

5. #GIRLBOSS by Sophia Amoruso

Sophia Amoruso is the founder, CEO and creative director of the amazingly popular clothing website Nasty Gal. If you have any interest in entering the fashion industry, this book is a must. The book is a memoir, and starts off with her childhood and how she got involved in fashion and her struggles along the way. This book is full of insight and will inspire you to work to your full potential.

6. Lolita by Vladamir Nobokov

This book is totally weird and totally awesome. It’s about a grown man being in love with a young girl (or as referred to in the book a nymphet) and their forbidden love. A very controversial topic today, this book is full of smart humor and intrigue. Reading this book opens up your eyes and makes you think of forgiveness, understanding and sacrifice.

7. Why Not Me? By Mindy Kaling

This is Kaling’s more recent book, which came out in 2015. If you read her first book, it was a no-brainer that you were going to read this book as well. In her first book, Kaling talks more about her insights to life and growing up. In this book, she talks more about her adult life with topics such as work, adult friendships and body image. She’s amazing.

Life can seem pretty hectic in college with all of your responsibilities. But remember to take care of yourself and your brain, and a great way to do that is by reading. Try to read at least one book for you every semester, and you’ll never run out of ideas with this list of books you need to read when you’re in college!

Emerson contributor